running help

I've been going to the gym for the past 8 months or so but only within the last few months started running on the treadmill. Every time after a run, my left leg always aches on the upper front just below hip near groin.

I've looked at various sites researching running form thinking I must be doing something wrong. One thing I have noticed is that my left foot "slaps" the running deck and I cannot seem to start at the heal and follow through.

Has anyone else suffered from this or can offer advice?


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Hard to say without seeing you run, but my guess is that you're going too fast and overstriding, and your left hip doesn't have the flexibility for the longer strides. Try slowing down and land on your mid-foot instead of your heel.

    If that doesn't help, try to get assessed by a sports medicine clinic, sports physiotherapist, etc, because these things are hard to diagnose. If you're unable to get to a pro, video yourself running to look for form issues. Place the camera behind you and to the side, at hip level.

    Keep us updated how it goes. :+1:
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,733 Member
    You might also do some stretches of the hip flexor.
  • johnnylloyd0618
    johnnylloyd0618 Posts: 303 Member
    weak core which is leading to a pelvic tilt, is my guess... As far as where you land on your foot is open to controversy, I personally am a mid foot striker. Everyone is different. As mentioned by @cherimoose , you might want to go into a reputable running store and have your gait checked.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Indeed, there is no One True Way(TM) for footstrike.

    The symptom would suggest a weaker core, either leading to either a forward tilt or left/ right imbalance.

    The loss of control of your foot also suggests a weaker shin muscle that might benefit from work.
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 1,132 Member
    Cherimoose wrote: »
    Hard to say without seeing you run, but my guess is that you're going too fast

    My thought too. Try running just faster than a brisk walking pace next time and see what that does for you. Over time you will find a pace that fits you.