Should you update your weight no matter what?



  • afrsilver
    afrsilver Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks everyone I was really curious about this, I think I'll start logging my weight every week I usually weigh myself everyday or every other day but logging my weight every day seems a bit too much and I will probably forget
  • afrsilver
    afrsilver Posts: 37 Member
    I log every time I weigh, which is usually every 2-3 days (sometimes daily). MFP syncs with my FitBit account (though I now use a Garmin tracker, my Fitbit account still exists), which then syncs with TrendWeight. It is nice sometimes when I feel like I'm not making progress to be able to look at that and see whether I'm really stalled, gaining, or losing.

    ETA: In order to have the most accurate data, I log everything that is relevant. Not just every scale reading, but also every bite of food.

    I've been thinking about getting a fitbit for a while everyone tells me it's extremely useful when trying to lose weight, maybe I'll stop putting it off and just get one
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i log every week. no matter whether the scale is up or down.

    that would be how you identify TRENDS.
  • afrsilver
    afrsilver Posts: 37 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    I only update mine every 5 pounds. That way when i panic thinking im not losing i look back and realize iv been losing 5 pounds every 20-25 days consistently since i started. Makes me feel beter im super impatient XD

    I was doing the same, I only updated when I had lost at least 5 lbs because 1-4 seems like such a little bit, I'm also extremely impatient, I want fast progress which I had to learn isn't really possible
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    To the poster who said he's going to get a Fitbit, while I am certainly not going to dissuade you given that I love mine, note that you do not need a device in order to use the free account and connect it to

    I have my daily morning weigh ins automatically push from to MFP and trendweight. I have mfp notifications turned off and only turn them on before posting a new low which is infrequent enough is that it is not a big deal.

    To my chagrin there have actually been days that I forgot to weigh myself before eating or drinking something but I mostly do remember
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Yes, you should log your weight regularly. How often you do it is up to you, but it's important to remember that as your weight decreases, so too will your daily calorie goal. If you don't log a 10 pound loss, for example, MFP will assume that you're 10 pounds heavier and will base your daily calorie goal on the wrong weight. If this happens, you'll likely stall your weight loss (or even reverse it) because you'll be eating more than you should.
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    edited January 2017
    Yes, you should log your weight regularly. How often you do it is up to you, but it's important to remember that as your weight decreases, so too will your daily calorie goal. If you don't log a 10 pound loss, for example, MFP will assume that you're 10 pounds heavier and will base your daily calorie goal on the wrong weight. If this happens, you'll likely stall your weight loss (or even reverse it) because you'll be eating more than you should.

    True, but note that you'd have to have forgotten to update your settings in more than 50 pounds to actually reverse your weight loss. I suspect it's one reason so many people report getting stuck after losing about 50 pounds.