20 in 20: Week 4



  • emmylou13
    emmylou13 Posts: 46
    Morning everyone - so girls night was so so last night... but we all got up early and walked the pups before work so that was a good way to start the day!!!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I planned out all my meals for today because after I get off work at 5pm, I have to work from 6:30pm-11:30pm! So I'm having Panera for dinner and just figured out how to alter my favorite choices to tone it down on calories, fat and sodium! Check out the panera website! They have a nutrition calculator and after altering my favorites, my whole dinner will only be 370 cals, 24g protein and 750mg sodium...pretty good for eating out!

    Hope everyone had a good week; be good this weekend! Monday will be here soon! :smile:
  • stephlewis
    stephlewis Posts: 59
    I went to the docs yesterday, I'm down 6.4lbs since I was last there(was before I join MFP)--it isn't a huge drop but the weight has stayed off for a few months now so I counted it as something good =)

    I'm doing well with the mental challenge this week, I tell myself something POSITIVE about my body each day...also taking a bit more time to my daily routine to look a little nicer... though some days I feel like its either me or the house that can look good not both! haha!
  • stephlewis
    stephlewis Posts: 59
    I planned out all my meals for today because after I get off work at 5pm, I have to work from 6:30pm-11:30pm! So I'm having Panera for dinner and just figured out how to alter my favorite choices to tone it down on calories, fat and sodium! Check out the panera website! They have a nutrition calculator and after altering my favorites, my whole dinner will only be 370 cals, 24g protein and 750mg sodium...pretty good for eating out!

    Hope everyone had a good week; be good this weekend! Monday will be here soon! :smile:

    That's really cool Panera does that! The closest one to me is 45 minutes away =( I miss up home, we had them everywhere!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    It looks like I've survived 4th of July weekend without hurting my weight loss. Scale is down 0.8 lbs since I got back... whoot! New challenge for this weekend is that my best friend from high school is visiting me and we'll be going out to drink both nights. However, we will be walking around DC all tomorrow so that'll burn tons of calories. I managed eating out last night pretty well, and thinking positive wasn't too hard with my friends complimenting me all night. They haven't seen me since I dropped the 30 pounds so they were surprised.

    I'm also starting Chalean Extreme on Monday. That'll be an adventure, but hopefully it gets me to 150 by the end of our 20 week challenge. That would rock!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I've decided that the best way to start the weekend is with an intense workout! It really helps me to remember to keep on track on the weekend.

    Weigh in on Monday! :smile:
  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    would love to join this group. I am a little behind, but need the motivation. I have really fallen off the exercise wagon. I recently went back to work and I am still trying to find the right balance between work, kids and home. It is harder than I thought and exercise has really suffered. My weight has really stayed steady (thank goodness). My starting weight is 150.0. (I was 172 at the start of the year, and this site has been wonderful)
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Welcome to the group mlally! I took the liberty of adding you to our running totals. Weigh in is tomorrow and we'll come up with a new challenge for the week.

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Emmylou13...........................157.4............................................154.2.................................. -3.2 LBS
    Dusty73085...........................168.7............................................166.4.................................. -2.3 LBS
    NaokoHeart...........................196.4............................................193.2...................................-3.2 LBS
    Cnbethea...............................162.6............................................163.8................................. +1.2 LBS
    Breathe_Glamour.................175.0...........................................173.0..................................... - 2 LBS
    00trayn....................................177.0............................................172.2.................................. -4.8 LBS
    kaymiller2...............................155.0............................................154.0..................................... -1 LBS
    salvirez....................................138.0............................................131.0.....................................- 7 LBS
    stephlewis..............................204.2............................................205.2.................................+ 1.0 LBS
    whittrusty.................................216.2............................................212.4...................................-3.8 LBS
    dk82.........................................184.8............................................184.6.................................. -0.2 LBS
    sarahgallienne81..................223.0............................................223.0.......................................0 LBS
    Curvykatie................................145.6............................................145.6.......................................0 LBS
    wildfiery....................................195.0............................................195.0.......................................0 LBS
    kalibsmom..............................187.0............................................ 187.0.......................................0 LBS
    maggiecharles........................193.0............................................193.0.......................................0 LBS
    Sweetheart6lk ........................ 221.2........................................... 221.2.......................................0 LBS
    Johnjely....................................185.0.............................................183.5 .................................-1.5 LBS
    mxburke....................................163.2............................................163.2.......................................0 LBS
    khursh8.....................................140.2............................................140.2.......................................0 LBS
    mlally1014................................150.0............................................150.2.......................................0 LBS

    I've been working out hard this week; 6 days and over 4000 calories burned! I would have worked out every day, but I had to work on Friday night. I'm really looking forward to getting measured on Tuesday. I'm thinking that I have lost an inch or two... :smile:
  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    Just weighed in and I was in for such a shock. A wonderful shock. My current weight is 146.4. This is my lowest adult weight that I know of. I didnt do anything different, maybe just finally catching up on all the weeks of up and down a pound or two. Really motivated now
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    20 in 20: Week 5 is up! It's weigh in day!