Sick of oatmeal.



  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    When I get sick of a food I've found it's because I failed to get enough variety in my diet. I suggest a project of seven, ten, or thirty days to have a different breakfast every morning. You may find that your love affair may return. Or not. At least you will have a whole bunch of options afterwards. Here are some suggestions.

    1. Do an international tour. I suggest you at least try a Norwegian and a Chinese breakfast.
    2. Eat a different colour every day. Like an all orange breakfast with carrots and oranges, an all purple with blueberries and an all red with strawberries and beef tartare.
    3. Do something different with eggs daily.
    4. Alternate between a cereal dish, an egg based dish, a wrap, a muffin, pancake, and a smoothie.
    5. Go to a Bulk Barn and pick up five grains or beans you have never tried then look up a recipe. I found out my favourite way to prepare mung beans is to sprout them.
    6. Solicit suggestions from the board print them and put them in a jar. Whatever you pick you must try the next day.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Fruit on the bottom Greek yogurt with nut butter mixed in
    English muffin with egg whites and cheese
    Cottage cheese, granola and fruit
  • brewerfan13
    brewerfan13 Posts: 183 Member
    Im getting sick of eating oatmeal for breakfast, i think I only eat it because it is considered "healthy".

    What do you all have for breakfast. I need a change.


    Try a slice of cheese pizza or Easy Mac. Both very easy, healthy and tasty.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited January 2017
    I eat a variety of things, though lately it's been savory oatmeal (an egg and some spinach on top, for example).
    Here's my thing: breakfast food is ANY food. The cereal folks have us thinking there are specific foods that are "breakfast foods".
    Eat anything you like.

    So much this. I am a cold cereal hater since forever, so even when I was a kid (when it seemed everyone was expected to eat cereal) I'd eat a bunch of different fast things, including leftovers from other meals. I do like oatmeal now (particularly savory) and am currently on an egg kick, but even so I've had a couple of breakfasts in the past week based on leftover cold roasted chicken and avocado.
  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    This morning I had lentil and vegetable soup and part of a bear claw, then a whey protein drink.
  • scorpiophoenix
    scorpiophoenix Posts: 222 Member
    I have a cup of coffee and every now and then I'll grab a package of cinnamon donuts from the gas station. Unless my mom grabs a strawberry danish for me at the German bakery. *drools* Then that's breakfast.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited January 2017
    Well, sometimes I just have coffee and a couple of digestive biscuits (or just coffee), other times it's a feast of of multiple items. Yesterday it was savory crepes (meat and mushrooms) with a little bit of sour cream. I have them in the freezer so all I need to do is take them out and toss them around in a skillet with a little bit of butter for a few minutes to warm them up and make them crispy. Today it's just coffee, I think, I don't feel particularly hungry. Fridays are typically hummus, falafel, fava beans, eggs, cheese, luncheon meats, tomatoes and cucumbers, Greek yogurt, olive oil, zaatar, olives, all eaten with pita bread and sweet tea. These are hard to log, so I just pick 2-4 items and make small pita sandwiches. Sometimes I have leftovers for breakfast, and yes sometimes I have oatmeal. You don't have to eat oatmeal every day if you don't want to.

  • SierraFatToSkinny
    SierraFatToSkinny Posts: 463 Member
    Eating oatmeal isn't the most healthy.... I actually feel guilty and indulgent when I have oatmeal.

    I would think an omelet with some bell peppers and onions would serve your body better.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Eating oatmeal isn't the most healthy.... I actually feel guilty and indulgent when I have oatmeal.

    I would think an omelet with some bell peppers and onions would serve your body better.

    What is it that you find unhealthy about oatmeal? I don't eat just a bowl of oatmeal but I do add it to muffins and shakes. What is it that you find it the oatmeal or the things that you add to the oatmeal?
  • larydoe
    larydoe Posts: 9 Member
    Egg whites with spinach and cheese, throw some salsa on top. English muffin on the side.

    of course, yesterday I ate a doughnut. Darn Farmer's Market!
  • powered85
    powered85 Posts: 297 Member
    Ryvita rye and oat bran crackers with natural almond or peanut butter spread on them and four hard boiled egg whites on the side
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
    Bacon and eggs/omelet.
    Fruit protein smoothie.
    Protein bars when in a hurry.
    Coffee and a banana when super lazy (but then I snack throughout the day, so I'll have something more substantial for a mid morning snack).
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    Eating oatmeal isn't the most healthy.... I actually feel guilty and indulgent when I have oatmeal.

    I would think an omelet with some bell peppers and onions would serve your body better.

    What is it that you find unhealthy about oatmeal? I don't eat just a bowl of oatmeal but I do add it to muffins and shakes. What is it that you find it the oatmeal or the things that you add to the oatmeal?

    Oatmeal is simply not unhealthy or eggs inherently healthier (and bell peppers and onions are great, but in so much I suspect most get plenty in their diet whether or not they have them for breakfast, unless one hates either food, of course).

    Here's a good article (specific oatmeal reference toward the end):

    Personally, though, I often find eggs more satisfying (although I like oatmeal and eat it in savory style -- with an egg and veg -- or with added protein and berries, if i want sweeter), so I eat eggs more often (with broccoli and spinach most commonly, or some other veg, sometimes including onions and bell peppers). I don't personally believe eggs are less healthy (depends on the overall diet), but the idea that they are inherently more healthy or oatmeal unhealthy is, IMO, absurd.
  • ejbronte
    ejbronte Posts: 867 Member
    I like to have a helping of oats every day - I don't like the consistency of oatmeal, so I use oat flour (home-ground or bought).

    Last week, I experimented with popovers, prepped in my Vitamix (so easy!). Popovers made with only oat flour won't balloon as nicely as ap flour, but they will cooperate enough to serve as a vessel into which you can scoop things. They have a nice taste, too.

    I just bought aramanth flour and I'm going to see what happens when I play with that, too (toasting the flour lightly before combining it with water releases a lovely aroma). Regarding this, I watched some videos on popping aramanth seeds, and that might be something you could try as a breakfast item.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited January 2017
    Eating oatmeal isn't the most healthy.... I actually feel guilty and indulgent when I have oatmeal.

    I would think an omelet with some bell peppers and onions would serve your body better.

    Are you talking about a little sugary packet of "instant" oats with the little dried fruits, and what not?
    Not the most nutrient dense, (or satisfying, for me) but hardly "unhealthy".

    Now, "easy mac" as suggested above....
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    Eating oatmeal isn't the most healthy.... I actually feel guilty and indulgent when I have oatmeal.

    I would think an omelet with some bell peppers and onions would serve your body better.

    What is it that you find unhealthy about oatmeal? I don't eat just a bowl of oatmeal but I do add it to muffins and shakes. What is it that you find it the oatmeal or the things that you add to the oatmeal?

    Oatmeal is simply not unhealthy or eggs inherently healthier (and bell peppers and onions are great, but in so much I suspect most get plenty in their diet whether or not they have them for breakfast, unless one hates either food, of course).

    Here's a good article (specific oatmeal reference toward the end):

    Personally, though, I often find eggs more satisfying (although I like oatmeal and eat it in savory style -- with an egg and veg -- or with added protein and berries, if i want sweeter), so I eat eggs more often (with broccoli and spinach most commonly, or some other veg, sometimes including onions and bell peppers). I don't personally believe eggs are less healthy (depends on the overall diet), but the idea that they are inherently more healthy or oatmeal unhealthy is, IMO, absurd.

    I do egg quiches in my muffin tins and fill them with turkey bacon, green onions, spinach and cheese. I make two dozen(12 eggs + 2 cups egg whites) at a time and freeze them. I eat two of them for breakfast at 150 calories...10g of fat(which I am always low on)...14g of protein. I then add different things...such as a roasted vegetable or a pumpkin/zucchini muffin. I stay within a 300 calorie limit.

    I use oatmeal in a lot of the muffins that I fix, shakes and add some to my yogurt. I find it a great filler and adds some fiber and protein to my meal.

    The thought that oatmeal is indulgent baffles me and that anyone finds it unhealthy confuses me...unless they are low carb...maybe?
  • ibboykin
    ibboykin Posts: 97 Member
    I make a blueberry smoothie with almond milk. I also make a nutty chewy breakfast cookie.

    1½ cups quick-cooking oats
1 cup whole wheat flour
1/3 cup raisins/Craisins/ or dried blueberries (I prefer the dried blueberries. I only have a Walmart and that is where I get them)
    1/3 cup In kernel pumpkin seeds (I buy these by the pound at Sprouts when I go the Nashville)
1/3 cup unsalted, roasted sunflower seeds
    2 tablespoons of chia seeds
1/3 cup unsalted, toasted sliced almonds
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon salt ( I use the NoSalt substitute and cannot tell a difference is all dishes I use it on)
2 large eggs, beaten
1/3 cup canola oil
1/3 cup honey
1/3 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line 2 large baking sheets with aluminum foil, oil or coat with nonstick cooking spray, and set aside.
    2. Whisk together the oats, whole wheat flour, raisins, sunflower seeds, almonds, baking soda, cinnamon, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and salt in a large bowl until well combined.
    3. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs, oil, honey, brown sugar, and vanilla until well blended. Pour the liquid ingredients over the dry ingredients, and stir until just moistened.
    4. Working in batches, use a ¼-cup measuring cup to scoop the batter and place on the prepared baking sheets, flattening slightly with the bottom of the measuring cup to create circles, about 3 inches in diameter. Leave about 2 inches between each cookie. If the batter starts to stick to the inside of the measuring cup, spray with cooking spray or simply wipe clean with a paper towel.
    5. Bake, 1 sheet at a time, about 12 minutes, or until the cookies are golden brown on the bottom. Cool slightly on the baking sheet before transferring the cookies to a wire rack.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited January 2017
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    Eating oatmeal isn't the most healthy.... I actually feel guilty and indulgent when I have oatmeal.

    I would think an omelet with some bell peppers and onions would serve your body better.

    What is it that you find unhealthy about oatmeal? I don't eat just a bowl of oatmeal but I do add it to muffins and shakes. What is it that you find it the oatmeal or the things that you add to the oatmeal?

    Oatmeal is simply not unhealthy or eggs inherently healthier (and bell peppers and onions are great, but in so much I suspect most get plenty in their diet whether or not they have them for breakfast, unless one hates either food, of course).

    Here's a good article (specific oatmeal reference toward the end):

    Personally, though, I often find eggs more satisfying (although I like oatmeal and eat it in savory style -- with an egg and veg -- or with added protein and berries, if i want sweeter), so I eat eggs more often (with broccoli and spinach most commonly, or some other veg, sometimes including onions and bell peppers). I don't personally believe eggs are less healthy (depends on the overall diet), but the idea that they are inherently more healthy or oatmeal unhealthy is, IMO, absurd.

    I do egg quiches in my muffin tins and fill them with turkey bacon, green onions, spinach and cheese. I make two dozen(12 eggs + 2 cups egg whites) at a time and freeze them. I eat two of them for breakfast at 150 calories...10g of fat(which I am always low on)...14g of protein. I then add different things...such as a roasted vegetable or a pumpkin/zucchini muffin. I stay within a 300 calorie limit.

    I use oatmeal in a lot of the muffins that I fix, shakes and add some to my yogurt. I find it a great filler and adds some fiber and protein to my meal.

    The thought that oatmeal is indulgent baffles me and that anyone finds it unhealthy confuses me...unless they are low carb...maybe?

    Good idea for a breakfast.

    I find oatmeal to be a comfort food -- sometimes when I'm sick I just eat steel cut oats, milk, and berries for 3 meals a day -- kind of low protein and not recommended as a good diverse diet, of course (but again, that's for three meals, not just one, and hardly something I think is a regular normal way to eat), but yeah, I don't get it, and assumed it was an anti carb thing.
  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    my biggest go to is tufu scramble (110cal) +anything i add, you can make it so many ways depending on what you add or what you use to flavour that i dont get bored. Or i make a smaller version of what i am packing for lunch as i tend to pack my lunches in the morning or a shake. those are my main 3 go too types of breakfasts