Sweet after savoury meal?



  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    I am the same. I plan a dessert every day and budget my calories around it. It keeps me sane. This week, it has been a hershey bar with almonds each night. All 210 glorious calories.

    Other weeks, it may be a 40 calorie popsicle. But, I always plan on something.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    I completely understand. I'm the same way. A lot of it is a mental barrier to overcome- some of us grew up having dessert as an expected part of the meal, almost like a fifth food group. It eventually gets easier, but I've found a few things that help. Skipping it entirely doesn't help, in my opinion. It can feel like a punishment, deprivation. And doing this as a lifetime shouldn't feel that way.

    As some have said, dark chocolate is a good way to go. While its not my preference over milk chocolate, it does a pretty good job of making me not want something more sweet.

    You could incorporate the sweet into your meal. One of my favorite things to do is add apples or pears to my dishes. They're sweet raw, but extra sweet and dessert-like when cooked.

    Chocolate milk- also fairly low calorie.

    Dust a banana in chocolate powder.

    Puree frozen bananas into ice cream. Feels like a dessert, and even a small serving goes a long way.

    Like other things, the important thing is to limit your portion. If you're packing a lunch, only pack the little bit. Don't bring the box/bag to work. Too easy to binge that way.

    Good luck.
  • codename_steve
    codename_steve Posts: 255 Member
    Nope, same problem, but you don't need four chocolate biscuits. A fruit leather for 45 calories does it for me. Very sweet and takes a couple moments to chew. If you need chocolate, a small piece of dark chocolate can do it. Dove promises are 45 calories each.


    This is what I do! I keep them in the freezer and have one or two after dinner.