No Set Backs, I just ATE!

Set backs....what are they? I guess they are anything that stops your progress from your goals. So if you are counting calories like me, eating a medium pizza to yourself is a set back. Well I didnt eat a medium pizza but doesn't that sund good? Back on track, FOCUS, FOCUS and back....I do not like set back, lets throw it out...everyone 1, 2 , 3 toss it out NOW~ There, it is gone. We are human beings, at least I hope so. We do not have set backs. If you ate something because you couldnt resist, HELLO, we all have no will power days and that is ok. The issue is no will power every second of every day. Then we should talk. Yesterday wasnt a no will power day it was just lazy! I received the news my daddy will be having open heart surgery next week and it put me in a low funk. No energy, no care. By the time my husband called on his way home from work I had him stop at Taco Bell for dinner. I did however only get chicken soft tacos but man did I want a burrito supreme and so much more. I did how ever eat 6 of them and yes I feel a little food shame but guess what? I didnt have a set back. I ate! I ate what I wanted keeping the better side of it (Chicken soft taco). Should have I? Nope but I did and not beating myself up over it. We are human and food is a part of our life. Just have to learn to live with it like we do an annoying neighbor.
We CAN do this!


  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    "round of applause"
    This is totally how Ive been feeling lately.