gluten free/ dairy free/ active

Hi all,

excuse my length, as it is my first post and I have a lot lot to explain.

I have been gluten free for about 8 months, after learning that it could help with psoriasis (which it did) and learning from the doctor that I have an intolerance. I started at around 165 lbs, and went down to about 145 and stayed. (I will note that now at the weight, I plan to resent my goals to a lower number.) I'm 5'6"/ 5'7" and very pear shaped.

My goal has always been around 130, which I am fast approaching (currently 136). I had heard cutting out dairy was a good idea (a food group I love...especially in the form of coffee, ranch dressing, and greek yogurt.)

I lost about almost 10 lbs in two weeks, which was great. however, I am concerned I am doing something wrong. I'm eating A LOT of fruit. for instance yesterday, I had a pear, an apple, a banana, and some strawberries, as well as some banana chips. I was looking and noticed my sugar intake is twice the suggested value.

I also eat a lot of of concoction of cooked kale, black beans, onions, peppers, and mushrooms, and maybe twice a week brown rice pasta (Spaghetti, cold sesame noodles,) and corn tortillas. I do occasionally eat meat, but usually that is when eating out, which you might imagine is infrequent. (Bare burger, diners and sushi are the most frequented) So at those times I will eat various types of potatoes and white rice.

So the question I doing something wrong? I might should add that I live in NYC, so walk all the time, and am a member of a gym, that I go to 2-3 times a week. I will admit that sometimes I know that I have not eaten enough, which is difficult to gauge most often because I do not get hunger pains, rather headaches that make me nauseous ...kind of counter intuitive to eating. I have lost around 20 pounds in 8 months, so I worry about that, even though I still over weight.


  • Dr_Kirk
    Dr_Kirk Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I emphasize all my patients try to go TRUE gluten free (vs. traditional) ! We do a lot of tolerance testing and have quite a few patients who have had improvements of joint disorders, psoriasis, acne and lupus..

    The fruits are fine depending on what time of day you are eating them, I would avoid having higher glycemic index fruits, definately don't have them at night. Apples and just about any kind of berries are the best in general.

    Cutting out dairy will help you a lot, there are alternatives, Almond Milk, Coconut Milk.. etc. -- This tends to help my acne prone pt's tremendously!!

    To be True Gluten Free, you need to cut out the corn and the rice. I know it's not that easy, but it may be the last thing that is missing. For bread, try Julian Bakery, they are based out of CA and deliver. They make their breads from almond flour and coconut flour.

    Pasta, try Kelp noodles, meat isn't bad -- based on your tolerance test you can introduce meats to your diet, just make sure they are lean cuts.

    Are you doing something wrong in regards to weight loss??
    1. like you stated, you need to make sure you dont miss meals! You should be eating every 3 hrs, use the MFP app to help.
    2. eating gluten free and being in NY, with all the walking, you will naturally lose weight :)

    if you have specific questions, let me know, I do this kinda stuff all day!! ;)

    -Dr K
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    I cut out gluten, all grains and dairy about 2 months ago (went Paleo) and it feels amazing. I have only lost 2 lbs, but I only weigh 116 so I am not looking for a major weight loss or anything - just better overall health. To be fair, I wasn't eating a ton of gluten, grains and dairy before, so it wasn't a huge thing for me. I did eat cheese on a daily basis and enjoyed the occasional latte here & there. My boyfriend who enjoyed A LOT of cheese, other dairy and grains ended up losing 25 lbs. (along with Cross Fit 6 days a week).
  • I've was just introduced to the Paleo diet a few weeks ago, and the person also had skin issues that cleared up...very nifty. And I definitely think there is something to corn being an trigger for skin issues, because I have seen a difference after eating a lot of it recently. Looking into this as's really disheartening. Though I do have a Celiac friend, who is fine eating corn, so I wonder about the difference you mentioned? I wonder if the trace amounts in things like salt would have an effect. Just things to ponder.

    I'll have to look up what high glycemic fruits, but thanks for that.

    the sad list:
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • daytolive
    daytolive Posts: 106 Member
    I too have psoriasis and has gotten 100% worse since having my second child. I'm currently on a mission on cutting out all dairy/Gluten out of my diet but Im finding it to be difficult. I LOVE dairy the most....i don't even need pastas or breads etc. But dairy is my weakness. I noticed taking turmeric pill form has helped but I think i need to cut the dairy out. Are there any specific items/brands you like to buy?