Need Motivation and Accountability

tpeavy321 Posts: 1 Member
edited January 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello! I live in Texas with my three kids and my husband is always deployed with the military. My family lives in Florida. I've been struggling with my weight loss for 3yrs and I need some help. I'm looking for goal minded people who can motivate each other and be accountable to each other. I'm 5'2" at 185lbs. I want to lose 40 to 45 lbs. I know for my height "they" say 120lbs is best, but I just want to be healthy and feel healthy. Please add me or if not send words of encouragement.


Tasha P.


  • Lakegirl155
    Lakegirl155 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I live a long ways away from you in Saskatchewan, Canada. I live on a farm with my husband and daughter. I tend to lose some weight feel better then stressful times hit and I gain it back faster than I would like to admit!! I need someone that would help me be accountable as well. Being healthy and feeling good are more important to me than the number on the scale.
  • avds1026
    avds1026 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ladies! I'd love to be part of the accountability team! I've struggled with my weight all my life but I am on track right now and want to stay that way! What do you say?