When did you have to buy new clothes?

I started this journey in July 2016 at 300lbs.

Now weigh in nearly 50 lb less.

Slowly working my way through my wardrobe and either wearing the same clothes or some which were slightly a little tight before, but still fit.

I have not come down any noticable dress sizes yet.

The only things I have bought are a new outfit for Christmas but still in the same size!

My top half, face and legs seem a little smaller but rest of me seems the same.

Did not measure at the start, wish I had.

When did you have to buy new clothes?


  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I'm down 40 lbs and I'm still wearing the same clothes. They will need to be replaced very soon as my pants are beginning to fall pretty low on my hips exposing my backside on occasion - eek. But I really want to get by without buying too many in between clothes.

    Take progress pictures, it much easier to see your loss that way. You'd be surprised.

    Congrats on 50 gone and hang in there.
  • z4oslo
    z4oslo Posts: 229 Member
    Im down about 55 lbs, and had to buy a new suit. I tried my old suit on, and i looked like a drowned cat in it.
    Have not bought much else really, except for sports gear.
    About 18 lbs left, so I hope I can wear things I already have untill then.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    I had to lose almost 15kg (33lbs) before I went down a size. I'd been wearing my old clothes to the point where I should have bought one size up. On top of that, all of my larger clothes were stretchy, meaning they fit a lot longer than non-stretch stuff.

    After 20kg (44lbs) I couldn't get out of buying new anymore; my clothes literally started falling off me. I could pull off my (formerly super tight skinny) jeans off without unbuttoning them.

    Now it seems I lose a size every 5kg, which makes it rather annoying keeping myself in work suitable clothes.
  • jerseygene
    jerseygene Posts: 129 Member
    Congratulation's on your loss so far you have done fantastic.

    I have lost over 100 pounds now but I didn't start to get new clothes until I had lost around 50 pound's or so but that sad I did have lots of them to go through in my wardrobe

    When I got to around 70 down I had a big clear out and had no choice but to go shopping as after my clear out I had almost nothing left.

    I say leave it as long as you can without looking silly unless you have lots of money and can afford to go shopping every month just stick to the impotent ones that you have to have and go shopping as a treat a way of rewarding yourself for doing so well (which you have done. )
  • mandy220750
    mandy220750 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for the replies.

    I think i will continue to use my existing clothes as long as possible.

    I do have a few things which I bought a while ago which were too small, so hopefully those will fit soon.

    Just hope these items do not look too dated.

    If I do need to buy, will buy some interim supermarket lines which are cheaper.

    Has anyone used charity shops for a short term solution?
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I'm down ~ 60 and have found old jeans & dress pants in the back of my closet. I'm wearing a 46 W where I was wearing a 50/52. Just took a bag of close to Sally Ann yesterday. But I'm going to have to bite the bullet soon. Did find jeans on for $15 so I bought 1 a size down and 12 sizes down.

    I know many here have used thrift stores for the interim. I haven't yet and haven't figured out if I will or not.

    But this is one place where it is easier to be a guy. Much less stress put on what we wear.
  • GrumpyHeadmistress
    GrumpyHeadmistress Posts: 666 Member
    I've lost 73lbs so far and have dropped 4 sizes. I tried to make my existing clothes last but have noticed that there is a smaller difference between skinny sizes compared to larger ones. So my size UK 20/22s lasted for ages but I outgrew my UK size 16s very quickly.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    the larger you are, the longer it takes for the sizes to go down. I started at a size 22/24 and it was a good 25 pounds at least before i started dropping. Larger sizes are sized to be more flexible with weight fluctuations, and take longer to drop down. Once I got to a 16 it was about every 10-15 pounds. at a 12 now and its about every 10, more consistently.

    i buy clothes constantly.

    Pretty sure my fiance cries when im not looking. LOLOLOL
  • PaganUK
    PaganUK Posts: 238 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm 165cm (5'5") and started at 225lbs at the end if December 2016. Today I weigh 184 lbs. A fantastic drop of 41lbs!!
    I think my chubbiness has shrunk and I have lost some inches but so far I have yet to have a definate change of body shape. I am hoping my next 20-39lbs will change my outline/silhouette.
    My clothes have become loose, but I am reluctant to buy clothes other than necessities until I have really made difference in my size/ got closer to my goal. . I have sold on/donate clothes but it still costs to replace them. Does anyone else feel this way? Xx