Joe Wicks Bodycoach VS Slimming World

What are people's thoughts on the two? My mum has been very successful loosing weight with SW, however I am eating from Joe wicks books and enjoying them. I believe SW cuts out fat whereas joes seem to use mostly reduced carb recipes. My aim is to become slimmer (not bothered about what the scales say) and I exercise 5 days a week usually burning 400-600cals daily. I've avoided SW since exercising builds muscle (+weight) and so their measure using scales is fairly inaccurate. I'm happy using joe wicks, just intrested to hear people's thoughts who have a bit of knowledge of the two programmes


  • subakwa
    subakwa Posts: 347 Member
    My thoughts are why are you on MFP if you are asking about another method? MFP is all about CICO by logging. Joe Wicks and SW are not. They are about selling their brand of "diet".
  • DanLoginov
    DanLoginov Posts: 19 Member
    Exercise will not build muscle if you're in a caloric deficit, or maintenance... keep that in mind.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    The scale cannot go up without an excess of calories, nor can women easily build muscle if eating at a deficit/maintenance. In fact, women can't easily build muscle full stop. So while the scale can be inaccurate measure in many ways, it is certainly a useful indicator and can be used to track the trend.

    But honestly, neither is "best". Best is a sustainable way of eating for you that fits your goals. You've come to a calorie counting site, so most of the responses going to go along the lines of "eat within your calorie goals being mindful of nutrition, particularly protein whilst also meeting psychological needs with treats so you don't end up potentially bingeing on arbitrarily banned foods".
  • subakwa wrote: »
    My thoughts are why are you on MFP if you are asking about another method? MFP is all about CICO by logging. Joe Wicks and SW are not. They are about selling their brand of "diet".

    What's wrong with using MFP to keep track of my meals and exercise? I'm logging the food I eat so Joe wicks or not it's no different to anyone else. As explained I'm interested in the different approaches particularly either removing fat or reducing carbs
  • subakwa
    subakwa Posts: 347 Member
    subakwa wrote: »
    My thoughts are why are you on MFP if you are asking about another method? MFP is all about CICO by logging. Joe Wicks and SW are not. They are about selling their brand of "diet".

    What's wrong with using MFP to keep track of my meals and exercise? I'm logging the food I eat so Joe wicks or not it's no different to anyone else. As explained I'm interested in the different approaches particularly either removing fat or reducing carbs

    In which case the Joe Wicks element is irrelevant, the keeping of a calorie deficit is what matters. Removing fat or reducing carbs is all woo.

  • samhennings
    samhennings Posts: 441 Member
    I dont "do" Slimming World, but I do keep some of their microwave meals in the freezer for those days when I cant cook.

    Not because they are low cal, but because so far as ding meals go they are brilliant.

    Other microwave meals, Weight Watchers and just normal store brand ones, never seem as filling or as well made.

    Each SW meal I have tried has been really tasty, packed full of veg and meat, and been really filling.

    Perfect for what it is, especially as they are also lo-cal. I think they achieve it by packing in loads of veg, where as other brands seem to achieve it by being a tiny portion!
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Use the Lean in 15 cook books, weigh your ingredients and log them, maintain a calorie deficit and lose weight. The meal ideas are good but the meal plan and workouts are garbage.