Foods that are supposed to fill you up, but dont for you



  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited January 2017
    Any kind of protein on its own (beef, chicken, eggs..etc). Protein is supposed to be the most filling macro, yet why do I need a starch for it to be filling? I need to eat 1500 calories of kebabs to be full, but if I add bread 700 or so calories is enough. Eggs on their own are filling for maybe 30 minutes. Add bread, and 30 minutes turn into 4 hours. I find myself making trips to the fridge after chicken and vegetables. Add rice or potatoes, and I'm good to go for hours.

    Fat is supposedly filling for some, but I need to consume triple or quadruple the calories to be satisfied with a high fat item with a few odd exceptions like pizza.

    Whey is on my list as well. It does nothing for me other than provide me with protein.

    Any kind of shake.

    I'm a volume eater, so vegetables are pretty filling to me in combination with other foods playing the role of a volume filler (and I love the taste as well). On their own, not so much for some reason.

    Water. If I hear one more person telling me to drink water when hungry I'll throw it in their face. I drink water when thirsty, I eat food when hungry. Makes more sense that way.

    Oddly, things that some people don't find satisfying are pretty satisfying to me. I can have cake for breakfast and be pleasantly full until lunch. 2-3 slices of pizza or a small burger meal are as good as any other meal people commonly think of as healthy and for comparable calories, probably because of the protein-starch combination that is highly satiating to me, or for psychological reasons. Diet soft drinks help take the edge pretty effectively if I'm hungry between meals, but water and tea don't. I know some people who feel diet drinks make them hungry.

    Satiety is one weird beast...
    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    Wow, happy to see I'm not alone in the oatmeal thing. I thought it was just me (and I eat the slow cooking kind and try to bulk it up). I feel fine when I finish the bowl, but I'm starving the rest of the morning.

    Eggs are a funny thing for me. Because they are a low volume food, after I finish a plate of them, I feel like I could eat tons more, but after I let it go a bit, I'm okay and I can generally make it to lunch with no problem.