
Hi! My name is Julie. I've struggled with my weight for many years. I've lost and gained and recently gained back all the weight I lost on the old weight watchers system. I can't do "smart points". I'm looking for something realistic. I'm going to take classes at the gym this week


  • mrfyolife
    mrfyolife Posts: 14 Member
    Good luck...stay focused
  • ChelleDee07
    ChelleDee07 Posts: 396 Member
    Hi Julie!! I just joined MFP last week and so far I believe it's helping me to stay focused and accountable. I am just starting my journey into making the changes in my life to 'find' the better me. I joined a local gym with my mom and middle son last week. Has nothing to do with any New Years Resolution stuff. I don't bother with those, never have. I have wanted to lose before of course... but this time it feels different. I feel different. I feel more determined. I have the desire to push and have already noticed I am making better choices when eating and preparing meals. I was only 3 lbs away from my heaviest weight when I began last week. I had no idea all that weight had snuck back on me. I honestly thought I was about 15lbs less than I actually was. I can see. I mean I know I am overweight. I know I am obese. Yet, somehow in my mind I have minimized it all. Even though I see it, in my mind I'm like 'oh you're not that big' ya know? Well.. yes, I am and I have not been healthy either. Now... I am working on being healthier and getting this weight down. I'm 43 and have been a Stay at Home Mom for almost 20 years. My boys are grown now, so I had became way less active and it shows. We can do this!! We both can do this!!