43 guy here - making health and fitness a priority moving forward.

Hey everyone!

43 male 245lbs at 5'8" tall. Stressful job and suffer from anxiety. Being treated for that but also looking to use fitness as a way to become healthier as I begin to change my life for the better in more ways than one.

Goal is to get down to a very fit 165lbs through cardio, weights and healthy diet.



  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Sounds like you have a plan.

    Just remember to start slow. Get your logging in hand so you are losing at your desired goal.
    Once you have that under control start working out and eat back your exercise calories. There is always a chance of under or over estimating your calorie burn so you may find eating back only 75% for the first couple of weeks then assessing whether you need to adjust your exercise calories up or down.

    If you are new to exercise ease into it. There is nothing more off putting than being sidelined in the first few weeks by a preventable injury.

    Cheers, h.
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    Wishing you luck with your goals! It does eventually become habit and routine, take one meal, one work out at a time:)
  • carmel199
    carmel199 Posts: 56 Member
    One day at a time you can do it. I wish you the best of luck on your journey.
  • chipbrandon22
    chipbrandon22 Posts: 1 Member
    I started a week ago. I'm almost 37 and wanting better year than last year. Hoping this helps. Im online trying to find like wise people to keep motivated.
  • Scott_IF
    Scott_IF Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks all!

  • risberg96
    risberg96 Posts: 118 Member
    You can do it!! Add me. I find that the accountability helps!
  • TinaSpinQueen
    TinaSpinQueen Posts: 11 Member
    I too am 43, & Im finding it's more difficult to lose the weight at this age... So just be patient with your body, create a diet that you can maintain & enjoy, & most definitely incorporate exercise as many days as possible. Just a 15 minute walk does wonders for your state of mind (esp if it's sunny!). Weight training is also very important as we age, since muscle breaks down more quickly... That's an area I need to work on. Best of luck, ask questions & advice, & stay positive. Add me if you'd like