Back Again

Hey everyone. My name is Katie. I'm not really new but I thought I'd post in the introduce me section because I've been on a long term hiatus. I used this site quite some time ago and very religiously. I lost 100 pounds. I stopped using this app, continued to lose but then slowly stopped counting my calories, started eating crappy, and the weight slowly crept back up. A lot has changed since my last time here. I met someone whom I thought I was going to marry. I became pregnant and he slowly changed. After our child was born 3 months early we broke up 2 days later, then got back together. The day before I finally broke up with him for good he put his hands across my face, so I left. I've been living with my parents temporarily until I get back on my feet. Now it's time to focus solely on my daughter and myself. To help aid me in my weight loss I have decided to have gastric bypass done. Right now I am going through the insurance approval requirements and the main thing is attempting weight loss for 6 months before the surgery. My nutritionist has set me a goal to lose 15 pounds by the surgery. Well, I know I can lose more than that in 6 months so I'm going to try and aim to lose 40-50 pounds. So far I've done good and lost 4 pounds in 7 days. I'm not really counting calories, I'm just watching my sugar and carb intake. I do log on MFP and have noticed by keeping my carbs and protein in a certain range, my calories stay in range. So, this time round I'm hoping to be more successful in the long run. I'm excited to be here again!
