Need friends for motivation

Hello everyone I'm a mother of two and just need help losing the weight any suggestions? Workouts? Need friends too


  • Hi
  • jeanschnell
    jeanschnell Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am Jean. I started my journey on 1/1/17 and want to lose 35 pounds. Weight loss is a journey. Someone gave me great advise when I started. Eat MORE not LESS. It works!!! Eat more fruits, veggies, and healthy foods. Naturally you will eat less of the other. I wish you great success on your journey. Feel free to add me to your friends.

  • Airforcechloe
    Airforcechloe Posts: 7 Member
    Add me for mutual encouragement:)
  • kwasson123
    kwasson123 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, hope all is well. Best thing I found to help me stay on track is join a gym with classes. Going to smaller classes has given me a family away from home with a ton accountability.
  • TyatKU
    TyatKU Posts: 31 Member
    Add me! I want to lose 20 pounds in 3 months so I will need the help!
  • amks3818
    amks3818 Posts: 46 Member
    Looking to lose 50+ after having my son 4.5 months ago. Lost about 40 lbs before getting pregnant but then gain about half that back. Feel free to add me. Always looking for motivating friends.
  • Scribbledsmooth
    Scribbledsmooth Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there! I am looking to lose the last of my baby weight as my daughter is 9 mos (my goal is to have it all off by the time that she is a year old- I gained 45 lbs total through pregnancy... :neutral:). I hear you on the friend thing; it is hard to go at it alone.

    I have had a lot of trial and error over the last 8 months and I learned that what works for me is counting calories, but not restricting which foods I can have. When I was trying to restrict which foods I could and couldn't eat, I couldn't stick to a diet for more than a week. When I finally loosened the reins and let myself eat some "bad things" occasionally, but then still ate healthy 90% of the time and never went over on calories, I started dropping weight immediately/quickly and have stuck with it for 3 mos now. I also learned to do some kind of activity daily for at least 20 min; even if it is only a quick walk, or speed vacuuming the house for 20 min (I usually do this while carrying my daughter... pretty good workout!), anything is better than nothing.

    Good luck!! You can do this!
  • shaks2014
    shaks2014 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello there, I understand what you are all saying, any support and accountability really helps onntbis journey. I would like to lose 2 stone. I would love it if anyone would like to add me too
  • dawson002
    dawson002 Posts: 170 Member
    add me
  • BeaUtiful_1413
    BeaUtiful_1413 Posts: 200 Member
    Mother of two here as well. There almost 6 &3. Looking to lose 35lbs+ having a hard time staying motivated. Add me if you guys would like