Raised With Bad Habits

I've dealt with my weight my whole life. Getting on this site on and off. But I was always a very active kid, but due to unfortunate circumstances I was forced to work at a fast food place for 60+ hours a week. All I ever had time to eat was junk. I'm now 200+ lbs. I say plus because the last time I owned a scale was a few months ago, but I went through what I can only say was adrenal fatigue and gained a lot. So I'm at my heaviest, and I went and got a gym membership a month ago. I've been active and slowly cutting down on junk. But I won't lie, I'm having a very hard time. I'm currently unemployed and don't buy the groceries, all that is in the house is crap. Very very delicious crap lol. I also had a crazy metabolism when I was younger so I'm always hungry, portioning your food is a lot harder then most would imagine when your stomach is use to so much. But I am proud to say tonight I was standing in my kitchen after filling out so many frustrating applications and looking to emotionally eat some salt and vinegar chips. I told myself only a couple and I had to put it away. Which already sounds like a train wreck. But that's exactly what I did and though my tastebuds a little disappointed it is good progress.

I'm a midnight snacker, because my job was closing, I didn't get home till 2am, midnight was dinner. So naturally now my sleep schedule is so screwed up and all I wanna do at the wee hours of the night is eat. All I can really do is try to stay in my calorie range and try to find healthy snacks. It's slow progress, but I want by slimfit, easy to find clothes, body back, so it's worth it.