Just hit a healthy weight range!



  • daworley
    daworley Posts: 238 Member
    Yay for you! It is a big deal!
  • BeGrandLike
    BeGrandLike Posts: 184 Member
    And then there was another, slightly more embarrassing success...

    So it was laundry day and also legs day and I wasn't about to let all my fave workout gear being in the washing machine keep me from the gym. So I grabbed my backup full length leggings and off I went.

    It had been... quite a few weeks since I'd had to resort to the backup leggings?

    I was a minute or so into my warmup on the treadmill when I realised that all was not as it should be. Or, shall I say: where it should be. The backup leggings that used to sit happily on my waist were.. migrating. South. Like a flock of lycra birds at the first hint of winter.

    The rest of my warm up was a surprisingly exciting race between my leggings desire to go ever lower, and my quite reasonable wish that they stay right up where they were supposed to be, covering my butt and keeping my dignity somewhat intact. Of course, I'm not sure how much dignity you have left when every 30 seconds you have to hike your leggings back up?

    And let's not even START on the squats. Cause it's one thing pulling yer pants up when you're running. Trying to do so with a mahoosive (okay... moderately heavy-ish but I CAN DREAM OKAY) barbell on yer shoulders simply ain't gonna happen. My sincere apologies go to the innocent exercisers who were treated to a view of my laundry day underpants mid-set.

    What I'm trying to say is, I guess, that I've definitely gone down a couple of pants sizes?
  • starfruit132
    starfruit132 Posts: 291 Member
    Time to go shopping :).
  • smkondy
    smkondy Posts: 583 Member
    Way to go!! Congrats on your success :)
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