Trying to continue to lose weight!

I'm continuing to eat about 1500 calories a day and drink 64 oz of pure water and I'm still losing weight but I am not losing as fast as I was in the first month. I started December 1, 2016, @ 324 lbs and on January 10, 2017, I weighed 287 lbs. but since then I have been hovering between 290 lbs and 287 lbs. I'm still eating the same and logging the food and water and everything on myfitnesspal and printing it out every night after I complete my day It reads the in 5 weeks I will weigh 270 lbs but I feel I should be losing a pound a day or at least half a pound a day since I dropping 500 to 600 or more calories each day but I'm maintaining at least 1400 calories per day.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited January 2017
    Stop dropping your calories. 1% of bodyweight per week is a safe max as far as weight loss goes after the first few weeks. If you see no scale movement in 3 weeks you drop calories. Daily weight loss should never be expected.

    Read this:
  • BonnieDundee78
    BonnieDundee78 Posts: 158 Member
    Patience, grasshopper... You're NOT going to lose a pound a day or half a pound a day - at least not after the first few weeks (and most of that is water). A man should be eating a minimum of 1500. Don't eat less than that. Then relax and keep doing what you're doing.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    a pound a DAY? start cutting off fingers.... a pound a WEEK is whats realistic. sometimes.

    look, your expectations are not realistic. im 5'1 and a 39 year old woman and eat 1500 cals a day and lose.

    your diary is not open so its hard to tell if youre weighing food accurately.

    the ' you will weigh this in 5 weeks is *kitten*. dont even look at it. i dont know why they put it there, it discourages new people.

  • whiplashy
    whiplashy Posts: 52 Member
    You're not going to lose a pound a day or even half a pound a day. You need to accept that and have more realistic expectations. A pound a week is realistic. Make sure you're logging is accurate. Weigh everything. The weight will come off if you stick to your plan.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    a pound a DAY? start cutting off fingers.... a pound a WEEK is whats realistic. sometimes.

    look, your expectations are not realistic. im 5'1 and a 39 year old woman and eat 1500 cals a day and lose.

    your diary is not open so its hard to tell if youre weighing food accurately.

    the ' you will weigh this in 5 weeks is *kitten*. dont even look at it. i dont know why they put it there, it discourages new people.

    I don't agree. I started this at over 300 lbs, and for that first month, 4-6 lbs a week was EASY. 3/4 lb a day is reasonable at that weight, for a very short time. After that I hit a little flat spot for about a week, then boom one morning I weighed 5 lbs lighter. From there I continued at a 2-3 lbs a week pace for a while.

    For a 5'1" woman .. a couple pounds a week could be considered aggressive.

    For a 325 lb man .. 5 lbs a week is reasonable .. in the short term. Just keep in mind that as you lose weight you'll need to lower your expectations about the pace of losing more weight accordingly.

    Johnny - you should track a moving average of your weight to see a true trend line. It will help when you do hit those non-linear times in weight loss, or have a 5 lb spike one morning for no apparent reason.

  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    Frankly, the nearly 40 lbs you lost in 5 weeks is the part that concerns me- I'm thrilled you aren't losing at that rate anymore! Heavier people do tend to lose more in the initial stages of weight loss, and as some have pointed out, some of that big drop was water. But if you don't lose now for a month while your body catches up, I say good! You'll still be looking at 4+ lbs/week (and it is all about the average over time, not the day-to-day or even the week-to-week).

    That being said, do read the link provided above. Re-enter your current stats on your profile and set your weight loss goal for 2 lb/week. *Use that calorie allowance*! Log accurately. The best accuracy is achieved by weighing your food. Check to make sure you are using correct entries in the database. If you feel you must weigh every day, realize our weight is fluid and changes constantly for a variety of reasons unrelated to fat loss. Only look at the numbers as they trend. And please relax! Use the time this is going to take (and it will take a lot if you do it right) to build new habits and learn, because when the weight is gone, you can't go back to "normal". You have to make a new normal for yourself. That takes time and it's better not to wait until you reach your goal to start. Wish you the best! :)
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Hi Johnny, I know how frustrating it can be to wait a whole week to lose a pound but with a deficit of 500 calories a day you will lose one pound per week. That is normal healthy weight loss. As a man I think your deficit is more than that at your weight though. Don't drop your calories you won't be able to keep it up. It took me a year to lose 70 pounds. I still have 25 to go and it will likely take me 6 or 7 months to lose that. The upside is that I have totally transformed the way I eat and I'm not starving all the time. I'm healthy and much happier.

    Many of us lose weight in bunches and the more you lose the slower it gets so be patient. You will be so glad a year from now that you stuck it out. Try to find some kind of exercise you like. I walk. I don't want to do the gym and I don't want to go to class. Calorie restriction is the majority of what makes us lose but moving gives you extra calories. However most of us eat back only half of the calories we gain for exercise (or less) as they often are overestimated.

    Now here's the standard suggestion that I found frustrating at the beginning but have to confess is true. Weigh and measure everything even if you think you know how much you are consuming. I had hit a plateau and thought it was just because I had been dieting so long then decided to weigh my food again. I found I had been underestimating how much I was really eating. Count ALL your calories, if you have a bite of something it counts. I cook all the meals at home so I would have a few bits of my husband's hash browns etc. You know what I mean. I had to count everything then the weight started coming off again.

    The rest is time. Remember this is the last diet you will ever go on as you will reach your goal and maintain it. It's worth the wait. Good luck.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    1% of bodyweight lost per week is generally the limit.