Depression and no time to exercise!



  • codename_steve
    codename_steve Posts: 255 Member
    In regards to the when, I've found that using my lunch hour for my workout then eating at my desk works well for me (this is the only schedule I've found that I can stay consistent). In regards to the depression/motivation; you can do anything for five minutes (this can be applied to exercise or cleaning the house). Tell yourself that you can stop after five minutes. A lot of times I make it to five minutes and realize it's not so bad and go a little longer. I use this tactic when training for a marathon (just 1 more mile, just 1 more mile, until next thing I know 20 miles have gone by).
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    If you are depressed, I really recommend therapy and possibly medication. There is nothing to be ashamed of and these can be invaluable tools for people.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I was depressed most of the fall. And had mono but didn't even know it. My day from door to door was 6am-7:30 or 8:00 pm including gym time. I cried a lot...I cried in the gym even. But I went.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    if its important to you, you make the time.

    i get up at 4 and am at the gym at 6 and at work at 8, dont get home till 7 and in bed around 8.
  • onward1
    onward1 Posts: 386 Member
    Can you get outside for a walk? Just a few steps further each day. Take the time for yourself. You can do it, good luck OP.
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    It's not about finding the time. Make the time! I get being busy, but exercise is great for stress relief. I think the idea for YouTube videos is great, you can look up workouts by time. If you have 6 minutes, search 6 minute work out and you will find a bunch! Fit 2 or 3 of those into a day and it can make a difference. See your doctor for treatment of depression, and definitely make time to move your body. It's good for body and mind!
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    You know they say that working out can help with depression right? Make time.. I work ten hour days, am a mom and I still workout.... you can do it!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    kitten8u wrote: »
    I can't be the only one depressed with no time to exercise, but has anyone over come this, if so please share your wisdom!! Thank you.

    MAKE time to exercise. In the beginning I had a very small workout goal - 60 minutes per week. 6 x 10, 5 x 12, 4 x 15.....whatever. Anyway I would keep a spreadsheet (you can use a calendar). Keep yourself accountable.

    MAKING time for 10 minutes here, 15 minutes there gets you into the habit. When it's in small spurts, it's not intimidating, it's not a hassle. Find short workouts on YouTube......WalkAtHome & JessicaSmithTV are favorites of mine. Check out your library for 10 Minute Solutions DVDs.

    After you get used to the 60 minutes bump up the goal.....then get used to that one.....and bump it up again.
  • denversillygoose
    denversillygoose Posts: 708 Member
    When my days are really busy I will find little pockets of time here and there. I do some good mornings while the coffee brews at work, squats while cooking, etc. I do 5-10 minutes of yoga here and there.

    Keep reminding yourself how much exercise can help depression and make a few minutes for yourself. It's not selfish, it's self care and necessary.
  • kitten8u
    kitten8u Posts: 19 Member
    I don't get a lunch break at work as I'm with the tenants 24'7, thank you all for your advice on the depression but id rather get to the root of the problems,than just cover it with pills. i think getting fit will help a lot. il take your advice of the short and quick exercises when i can, barring in mind even for a quick work out, you still need the right clothes (sports bra, leggings, involves changing) and a shower after if you sweat.. and you should if your work out was good!! lol. so that all adds to the time. I completely agree that you have to make the time and i will try my best. thank you all.
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    All good advice. I wake up an hour early to exercise. I started with about 10 minutes because it was all I could do. I can truly say that I feel completely better, mentally when I exercise. Maybe try five minutes a day and see if it helps you at all.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Try exercising it has been know to decrease depression symptoms. I am sure you can find 30 minutes a day to fit some activity in. Stop making excuses.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    kitten8u wrote: »
    I don't get a lunch break at work as I'm with the tenants 24'7, thank you all for your advice on the depression but id rather get to the root of the problems,than just cover it with pills. i think getting fit will help a lot. il take your advice of the short and quick exercises when i can, barring in mind even for a quick work out, you still need the right clothes (sports bra, leggings, involves changing) and a shower after if you sweat.. and you should if your work out was good!! lol. so that all adds to the time. I completely agree that you have to make the time and i will try my best. thank you all.

    Depends......pilates and yoga (not hot yoga) isn't going to make you sweat profusely.

    I walk briskly during my lunch break (but not in 80+ degree weather). I keep baby wipes & deodorant in my desk. There are going to many times when you won't have to take a shower.

    Sports bra for high impact.....regular bra for everything else.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,814 Member
    I feel you, i have a very tight schedule, but you just squeeze in what you can, i work full time, have 4 kids, and do scouts with 2 of them, one is autistic and has weekly therapy, I also do 95% of the housework, my typical day looks like this
    530-get up and shower
    600-Get kids up and ready
    645-leave with all 4 kids
    700-drop littlest off with baby sitter
    730-get to work and kids to school (i work at the school)(i also dont get a lunch break)
    1600-get off work
    1620-pick up kids
    1700-start dinner
    1800-eat, then clean up
    1900-bathe kids and get them ready for bed
    1930- make husband watch kids so i can workout

    on scout days i have to cook and be at scouts by 1800 (6pm) then dont get home till 8pm, my days are crazy and have to be routine, but i workout extra on weekends to make up for missed workouts during the week

    as far as depression, i do suffer with that on and off, but i tell myself that if i dont workout, and stuff my face instead, im going to regret it and hate myself, plus working out makes you happier
  • beaglebrandon
    beaglebrandon Posts: 97 Member
    I can honestly say I have come out of depression from working out. I went thru a very nasty divorce that dragged on for way too long. I didn't want to go anywhere or see anyone. One day I went for a walk along the river just to think. It ended up being 2 hours later before I returned to my car. I loved it. It was a great way to think and well the exercise was just a plus so I started walking almost every day for an hour at least. The endorphins kicked in. I was feeling better and in time looking better which of course helped with my depression.

    Same here. I had a bad breakup, and walking my dog every night for 2 hours down neighborhood sidewalks helped me think and process the breakup and the side-effect was that it gave me a LOT of exercise, and I lost weight without even knowing it. Plus, the empty feeling in my stomach made me not want to eat much.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    kitten8u wrote: »
    was hopping to get a wii bike but can't find any at the moment. Amazon out of stock!

    How would that help if you don't have the time to use it?

    If you do have the time then stick on a you tube work out vid.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    kitten8u wrote: »
    I don't get a lunch break at work as I'm with the tenants 24'7, thank you all for your advice on the depression but id rather get to the root of the problems,than just cover it with pills. i think getting fit will help a lot. il take your advice of the short and quick exercises when i can, barring in mind even for a quick work out, you still need the right clothes (sports bra, leggings, involves changing) and a shower after if you sweat.. and you should if your work out was good!! lol. so that all adds to the time. I completely agree that you have to make the time and i will try my best. thank you all.

    Depends......pilates and yoga (not hot yoga) isn't going to make you sweat profusely.

    I walk briskly during my lunch break (but not in 80+ degree weather). I keep baby wipes & deodorant in my desk. There are going to many times when you won't have to take a shower.

    Sports bra for high impact.....regular bra for everything else.

    Ya, I only need to shower afterwards if I'm outside and it's hot. I don't work up a sweat lifting weights in my 64 degree gym or practicing yoga in my 68 degree house or walking outside fall-spring. (Although the colder it is the longer it takes me to get dressed for a walk.)
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    kitten8u wrote: »
    I don't get a lunch break at work as I'm with the tenants 24'7, thank you all for your advice on the depression but id rather get to the root of the problems,than just cover it with pills. i think getting fit will help a lot. il take your advice of the short and quick exercises when i can, barring in mind even for a quick work out, you still need the right clothes (sports bra, leggings, involves changing) and a shower after if you sweat.. and you should if your work out was good!! lol. so that all adds to the time. I completely agree that you have to make the time and i will try my best. thank you all.

    Right attitude on the depression. It really helps me out a ton!. I got a fit bit so I could see my activity levels and tested it out for a week, then tried to improve it from there. Sometimes I will run in place for 5 min.. or do squats, or push ups against the counter I don't get super sweaty and do not need workout clothes to do those. ... every little bit helps :)