Back again but different...

Hi Everyone,

I was here at MFP back in 2014 and was pretty determined to eat right, lose weight and stay active. That was working for a while but I ended up having seriously gnarly lower back reconstruction surgery and it blew me totally off kilter. Now here it is, about 2.5 years later and I'm doing it again. This time I have to. My diabetes was totally out of control (prior to Dec. 3rd), my blood pressure was so high I was told I'd stroke out or have a massive coronary any day and my cholesterol was that of a 65 year old man that weighed 300 lbs. I was in nasty shape. The day I left the doctor's office I decided to do a complete 180 and start over. I did all of the research I could to find what would be the best diet/eating style for a diabetic with out of control high blood pressure to boot. That lead me to Paleo/Vegan = Pegan. Yes, it's a thing. I've been faithfully following the protocol since Dec. 3rd and so far I lost 19 lbs, work out on my treadmill as often as I can for no less than 45 minutes, gone down one pant size, my blood sugar readings have gone from 240 fasting to 109 fasting, my blood pressure has gone from 210/130 (at the doctor's office) to a comfortable 110/75-80 and a pulse of 71-86. Not too shabby, no? I did get put on Trulicity and that made a huge difference in my bs readings and an extra hbp pill that's knocking the numbers down. I don't think they'd be moving too much if I didn't change my diet completely!

I'm looking forward to meeting new people and maybe some from Calorie Count when they get here. It would be nice if I could find a group on here that was Paleo/Vegan and knew the ropes. I'm doing well but would love to have others to bounce info and recipes off of.

I'm heading off now. I hope to hear from others on MFP soon!