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Enviornmental Impact of Raising Livestock

J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
So I am going to officially hit my mid 40's next week and lately, maybe by total coincidence, I have started to reflect on some of my past beliefs. Came across this article the other day and it made me stop for a moment and reflect. Honestly though, I am never sure if I am reading propaganda or truth. What are everyones thoughts on this...



  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    I have read similar before but in my opinion bacon is worth it.

    Do you believe the article?

    I like bacon as well though I don't eat it often so environmentally speaking it does not bother me to buy it. But for other animal products that I eat every day I am starting to question...
  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    FAO has sam really good skýrslur (can't remember the english word) about this stuff. I've read a few..
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    I have read similar before but in my opinion bacon is worth it.

    Do you believe the article?

    I like bacon as well though I don't eat it often so environmentally speaking it does not bother me to buy it. But for other animal products that I eat every day I am starting to question...

    I've read stuff like that enough from a variety of sources that I do believe it, but the question is what it means. For example, if you are buying food in the US (or a specific location), what really does minimize carbon footprint in terms of actions -- just reducing meat alone might not do it, as it depends on what it's replaced with (for me eating less meat tends to be a positive goal, though, although I've found that's a trade-off in some ways, at least so far).

    I keep meaning to actually figure out the environmental affects of the various choices available to me, but admittedly haven't really done that yet.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    The article said that production of beef for the developed world is much more efficient than the production of beef for the developing world, the consumption of beef is much higher in the developed world than in the developing world, and the production of pork and poultry is more efficient than the production of beef.

    It also said that there's not enough cultural compatibility in sub-Saharan Africa to import developed-world beef production efficiencies to them there.

    I didn't detect anything that was intended to challenge the beliefs of anyone: The sky is blue. People eat. There's a lot of people.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    I have read similar before but in my opinion bacon is worth it.

    Do you believe the article?

    I like bacon as well though I don't eat it often so environmentally speaking it does not bother me to buy it. But for other animal products that I eat every day I am starting to question...

    I've read stuff like that enough from a variety of sources that I do believe it, but the question is what it means. For example, if you are buying food in the US (or a specific location), what really does minimize carbon footprint in terms of actions -- just reducing meat alone might not do it, as it depends on what it's replaced with (for me eating less meat tends to be a positive goal, though, although I've found that's a trade-off in some ways, at least so far).

    I keep meaning to actually figure out the environmental affects of the various choices available to me, but admittedly haven't really done that yet.

    If I'm understanding the article, replacing red meat (cattle-larger animals) with pork and chicken (smaller animals) would help since it requires less energy to make them grow...
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    edited January 2017
    Oh man... so many thing to laugh about here. I agree that every time we progress with new technology and new concepts we are impacting the environment. But to minimize livestock being raised to help minimize our carbon footprint? I am hoping everyone is well educated enough to know HOW many products we use daily that are made with some for of animal byproducts... I work for a Pork Production Company... yep I am the bad guy in that article. We raise pigs, have over 70 barns and send 3000 hogs/day to the slaughter houses.

    To anyone that reads this that is a vegetarian or vegan... this one is for you (oh and this is just a very SMALL list)


    I am not making a statement as much as I am asking questions. Again, my understanding is that pork and chicken is more enviornmentally friendly then cattle. Is this off base? Since you are in the industry your input is valuable (at least to me anyway...)

    Thank you for the article.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Oh man... so many thing to laugh about here. I agree that every time we progress with new technology and new concepts we are impacting the environment. But to minimize livestock being raised to help minimize our carbon footprint? I am hoping everyone is well educated enough to know HOW many products we use daily that are made with some for of animal byproducts... I work for a Pork Production Company... yep I am the bad guy in that article. We raise pigs, have over 70 barns and send 3000 hogs/day to the slaughter houses.

    To anyone that reads this that is a vegetarian or vegan... this one is for you (oh and this is just a very SMALL list)


    That's a really interesting list, and more proof that I'm too lazy to be vegan (this is not news to me, but the list was). Thanks for sharing it.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Reaverie wrote: »
    Raising live stock has been a human concept for thousands and thousands of years. Its not livestock that is the issue. Its mankind. Industrializing the world is what impacted the environment in a negative way. Human "wisdom" is what is destroying this world. Think back to biblical times. Before biblical times. Before the turn of the century when technology started making an impact. There will always be an environmental impact in anything we do. Humans are the biggest impact behind natural disasters.

    Not agreeing or disagreeing, but we also didn't have the means or knowledge to be able to identify how much CO2 emissions come from cattle raising until more recently.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    I have read similar before but in my opinion bacon is worth it.

    Do you believe the article?

    I like bacon as well though I don't eat it often so environmentally speaking it does not bother me to buy it. But for other animal products that I eat every day I am starting to question...

    I've read stuff like that enough from a variety of sources that I do believe it, but the question is what it means. For example, if you are buying food in the US (or a specific location), what really does minimize carbon footprint in terms of actions -- just reducing meat alone might not do it, as it depends on what it's replaced with (for me eating less meat tends to be a positive goal, though, although I've found that's a trade-off in some ways, at least so far).

    I keep meaning to actually figure out the environmental affects of the various choices available to me, but admittedly haven't really done that yet.

    This is pretty much where I am. I would like to do more research into what choices I could make that would be helpful, but I haven't put in the work yet.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    I have read similar before but in my opinion bacon is worth it.

    Do you believe the article?

    I like bacon as well though I don't eat it often so environmentally speaking it does not bother me to buy it. But for other animal products that I eat every day I am starting to question...

    I've read stuff like that enough from a variety of sources that I do believe it, but the question is what it means. For example, if you are buying food in the US (or a specific location), what really does minimize carbon footprint in terms of actions -- just reducing meat alone might not do it, as it depends on what it's replaced with (for me eating less meat tends to be a positive goal, though, although I've found that's a trade-off in some ways, at least so far).

    I keep meaning to actually figure out the environmental affects of the various choices available to me, but admittedly haven't really done that yet.

    If I'm understanding the article, replacing red meat (cattle-larger animals) with pork and chicken (smaller animals) would help since it requires less energy to make them grow...

    But part of that is assuming they eat grain. My maternal grandparents (for example) came from a part of the country where farming really wasn't a good use of the land, but ranching was, and I wonder how much the environmental impact of cattle grazing in such areas is. Then again, of course rainforest being stripped for pasture seems terrible, but are the two necessarily connected on the basis that even if I don't buy beef from there my buying beef increases overall demand, etc.?

    And then, of course, there's the fact that although I buy cattle that's grazed only it's in a different area of the country (more local to me). And how does all this vary based on the specific practices of the farm? For example, I know large scale chicken and pork producers (which I avoid for other reasons) have major environmental impact in some other ways (waste, for example).

    But then people think some things are helpful that may not be, or may be counterproductive -- for example, saving costs of transport by buying local vs. the cost of trying to maintain small farms in some areas. (Basically, this argument: http://freakonomics.com/2011/11/14/the-inefficiency-of-local-food/.)

    I honestly don't know and haven't put in the time to feel like I have adequate information to judge, so focus on other reasons for my preferences (I like local for other reasons even if it's not environmentally better).

    I know local isn't what you are talking about, but beef, but I feel like there are a ton of different issues all tied up together.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    I have read similar before but in my opinion bacon is worth it.

    Do you believe the article?

    I like bacon as well though I don't eat it often so environmentally speaking it does not bother me to buy it. But for other animal products that I eat every day I am starting to question...

    In all honesty I don't know. It's far too big of a problem to simplify or quantify so I take all figures published with a pinch of salt.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    I have read similar before but in my opinion bacon is worth it.

    Do you believe the article?

    I like bacon as well though I don't eat it often so environmentally speaking it does not bother me to buy it. But for other animal products that I eat every day I am starting to question...

    In all honesty I don't know. It's far too big of a problem to simplify or quantify so I take all figures published with a pinch of salt.

    I feel like one of the biggest problems of the modern world is the number of "too big to quantify" problems. It's like they paralyze our minds and make us feel powerless. Not specifically in reference to this, I see it everywhere and I frequently feel it myself.
  • Jules_farmgirl
    Jules_farmgirl Posts: 225 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »

    I am not making a statement as much as I am asking questions. Again, my understanding is that pork and chicken is more enviornmentally friendly then cattle. Is this off base? Since you are in the industry your input is valuable (at least to me anyway...)

    Thank you for the article.

    Thanks! I truly believe the impact on the environment has everything to do with the farming methods adopted by the company. One issue that always comes up as mentioned above are the emissions that are released. Well... that's coming from cow *kitten* and wont matter where those cows are... that's gonna happen. As well as the nitrogen from that *kitten* being leaked into the ground and getting into the water table. Its life. Sorry.

    Our pigs produce a lot too... what do we do to help be environmentally friendly? We have a Pump crew... our solids get flushed into lagoons that have flow and constantly being stirred (gross right?). Our Pump crew fills trucks with this and then injects this manure into farmers fields that purchase it. Ya we literally sell *kitten*.

    I can't speak so much for chickens as my only knowledge of that is on a personal scale with the 350 chicks my family gets in the spring, let them free range it in an area til fall and then butcher.
  • Jules_farmgirl
    Jules_farmgirl Posts: 225 Member

    That's a really interesting list, and more proof that I'm too lazy to be vegan (this is not news to me, but the list was). Thanks for sharing it.[/quote]

    No problem! And I agree.. vegetarian is one thing... but saying your a vegan (and condemning those who aren't and enjoy meat) without really knowing where animal by products are found? Its entertaining!

    **Please note that I have no issue with those who don't eat meat, that is a personal choice. My issue comes when someone tries to lecture without knowing the facts.
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    As stated above, I have less concern about US (or, say, Argentine)-raised beeves than I do about meats coming from delicate ecosystems like the Amazon. The US and Canada, after all, supported a herd of 60,000,000 buffalo on our vast grasslands; we still support a large herd of beeves (including some buffalo), some of whom are directly grass-fed, but all of whom are still supported by the produce from the grasslands, just in the format of one particular super-grass, corn (both grain and silage).

    It is kind of eye-opening to think that actually, as this article notes, industrially-raised feedlot/dairy herds might be the more efficient environmental option, especially as there is a push to capture and re-use the methane produced from the waste process (bio-gas recovery has the potential to provide additional income streams for farmers). It also makes me sad, as I like to support the farms with the cows relaxing in the fields and the pigs running through the woods. Although the article is highlighting first world industrial results with the results of cows attempting to scrounge for sustenance in fairly brutal conditions; proper high-quality temperate pasturage likely puts things on a more even footing.

    It is also interesting that the article blames *meat* for heart issues and fatness, which is just ridiculous. That part to me feels like propaganda and ties in with the articles I see my more aggressive vegan acquaintances posting to the facebooks and infused throughout the media, and even here--I am thinking particularly of one of the dairy threads where a link was posted to a sciency-appearing site with a scary study saying we're all going to die from dairy and meat, when it was actually a very slick vegan propaganda group. (Not to pick on vegans, many of whom I admire! Some can just be somewhat shrill--and hence less than persuasive--in their educational efforts.)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited January 2017
    Reaverie wrote: »
    Raising live stock has been a human concept for thousands and thousands of years. Its not livestock that is the issue. Its mankind. Industrializing the world is what impacted the environment in a negative way. Human "wisdom" is what is destroying this world. Think back to biblical times. Before biblical times. Before the turn of the century when technology started making an impact. There will always be an environmental impact in anything we do. Humans are the biggest impact behind natural disasters.
    How so?

    Natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc, will occur - and have been occurring since before Biblical days - irrespective of the mere mortals who live on the planet's surface.