a Complicated Schedule.

There are some people who come online stating that they have difficulties going to the gym/dieting due to their schedules..I'm NOT proud to admit that i am 50% there.

I work full time, while attending school full time and Studying for the LSAT. I actually ENJOY the gym but hate the dieting aspect since it entails cooking. Granted, with all of the aforementioned activities, im up about 16 hrs a day.

Ladies and Gentlemen - get your EXTREMELY QUICK MEAL recipe cards out.... because i sure as hell need them.


  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Do you have a day when you have a little more time? We often grill out on the weekends and grill items for 2 meals at the same time (actually, we did 3 on Saturday night -- bratwurst/corn for that night, chicken for chicken fajitas on Sunday, and then smoked some pork for bbq today). Then we just have to do veggies to go with that during the week. I also like to cook up some chicken breast to go in salads, or do some cooking at home after supper to reheat for the next day (something that reheats well, I'm picky). The crockpot is also a great tool to save time and work for you while you are out of the house! :)
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    I would also suggest prepping some things in advance, it makes things a lot easier. I have cooked a bunch of chicken and made up wraps and put them in the frigde, they last a few days in there and they are a healthy choice. Also if you cook a soup or turkey chilli then you can freeze a few portions for quick access in the future.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I have a very demanding and busy career . . . and life! I schedule in time for ME daily and also have a few hours each Sunday where I prepare things for the week ahead. I wash and portion veggies, cook chicken breasts and slice, and make a few meals for weeknights for those days when I come home late and exhausted. I find the more prepared I am with our food the better I eat and therefore am NEVER tempted to just grab something out of bordeom.
    I got home after 8:30pm one night last week and was so exhausted we ate a handful of almonds, a few stalks of celery, and a granola bar for dinner . . . so yes . . . sometimes you are to exhausted to have a creative meal ready!

    Most nights it only takes 15 to 20 minutes for me to prepare dinner from scratch . . . throw our "protein" on the BBQ or under the broiler . . . and steam some veggies (we tend to try to consume all of our carbs prior to dinner).
  • marybethbeech
    Do you have a crock pot? When I'm in a hurry that's always the easiest thing for me. I like to put chicken breasts in the crock pot along with some quinoa (you can also use rice), a can of low sodium chicken broth, and a can of cream of chicken soup. Leave the crock pot on low, and when you get home, voila, dinner is ready.