why is not working

Hi Folk I need some help to understand here what I am doing wrong.
The past 3 month I have been eat any process, fried or fast food.
So far I’ve been eat 1200 - 1700 kcal per day many days less but not less 1000kcall. Morning usual drink 3 tea spoon of lemon & 1 tea spoon of honey in moderate hot water. They say is good to help to lose weight.
All my meals are base, fruits, vegetables, carb variety between bread to some vegetables like potatoes and rice. Majority my days one of my meals has proteins animal sometimes both main meals of the day but all days has protein vegetables like broccoli and tofu. Not oil, or sources very rare coffee spoon olive oil.
The past 3 weeks for sure exercise 60min exercise it can be walk or bike, sometime swimming.
A problem on the diet I notice once I week, I overeat in the nights it could be chocolate or bread but never more than 500 kcall of course not all weeks happened.
Water I have been monitoring I drink water around 1.5 but complete 2 litres per day with other drinks like coffee or tea or juice fresh.
I see on the quick go, step on the scale before shower I lose like 300 to 500 grams but on the next day is back. When it comes to monitoring I didn’t lose at all or lose some grams or gain some grams, bottom line still the same.
For my understand, I am doing what supposed to do, following the logical advise, eat (consume) less than I spend and choose healthy food than process food. What I am doing wrong I am not losing weight at all?
I will be very grateful to any advice.


  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member

    Your diary isn’t open so without seeing when and how much of these foods you’re eating I’ll try to make a few suggestions that have helped me.

    *1200-1700 kcal: How do you allocate your calories?
    Do you have a free day in your meal planning?

    My intake is 1350-1375 calories: I workout hard 4x, 2x moderate, 1 easy.
    Fats 50-60 grams (2/3 Mono Saturated and 1/3 Saturated),130 grams Carbs, 140-150 Protein
    *This changes depending on your goals. This has changed 3x for me since April 2012.

    Nights: Find a post dinner cut off time that works for you and have nothing else to eat or drink until you awake in the am. I usually have dinner at 6/630pm so my cut off time is 7/730pm. When I don’t adhere to this I notice I do not lose but can gain easily. If I get hungry I make a protein powder drink or have a few ounces of yogurt.

    Carbohydrates: Try having your carbs by mid afternoon. If you have a direct carb at dinner try making it brown rice or a sweet potato. Have pastas for a special meal or for your day off if you have one.
    It’s amazing how many carbs are in all our other foods that are fruits & vegetables.

    Good Fats: Your body needs them. Examples are Olive oil, flax oil, coconut oil, olives, avocado, Ghee, 1-2 TBs of peanut Butter, Light vinagrette dressings.


    Meal Plans: Have protein at breakfast without a carb if going to a workout.
    Have protein as pre and post workout snacks and meals.

    Have a glass of water when you wake up in the morning :drinker:

    I admire that you are on the go every day, that’s awesome.
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    Your ticker says you lost 5 kg. For how long has your weight loss been stalled? Do you take your measurements or do you just go by the number on the scale?