New device wanted.. fitbit? hrm? suggestions?

So now I've rejoined MFP I have gotten onto the calorie bandwagon, doing ok there (though could still do with less booze I know!) and I have also gotten a cross trainer, which cost me nothing so I'm on a bonus there. But sadly my beloved HRM died. I *really* loved being able to see the time expended and calorie burn when I used it last year and will definitely find it a motivating thing, but if I'm looking at forking out for something new, I'm starting to wonder if it's a new HRM I want, or if maybe a fitbit would be good.. I am realistically budgeted but there's no reason i can't save a little for something worthwhile..

So, pros and cons of such devices, personal preferences and why, and what do you think I should get? GO!


  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    I actually just returned my fitbit zip..I don't think that the calorie counter was accurate, and it just seemed like a glorified pedometer. The one time I wore it to the mall it came off of my waistband and I almost lost it! I'm looking into HRMs now..what did you have? Would you buy it again?
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    fitbit IS a glorified pedometer... only a HRM will give you a reasonably accurate idea of how hard you have worked and how much harder you *could* work...
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    I returned my fit bit too. I just didn't like it. I now have a Polar FT4 HRM that I LOVE!!!!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    the garmin 910xt heart rate monitor and watch, with GPS. sends data to your computer too. works for swimming, running, and cycling. i'd get the triathlon bundle so you can mount it seemlessly from your wrist to your bike.
  • TahoeSki
    TahoeSki Posts: 69 Member
    I LOVE my Fitbit One! It motivates me to be active and move. Also, you can compete with "friends" on the Fitbit site. Fitbit makes Me not hit snooze and go run instead b/c " Connie from maryland" and I are neck and neck this week in steps. It's fun!
  • swampgeek
    swampgeek Posts: 23 Member
    I have the Fitbit One, I have thought about adding a HRM as well for workouts but the fitbit stays with me all day and I use the sleep tracking as well. Personally I am a data person, the more I have the more I know. I have not had any issues with it coming off and only had to reset the device once when I left it on top of my desktop computer and it went a little loopy. Other than that no complaints. Due to the amount of swimming I do I have also thought about a swimsense tracker.
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    I have both. I just retired my Fitbit Ultra (it still works, but the case is showing signs of age, the clip broke and I didn't by the replacement that Fitbit is selling. I replaced it with the "One." Water resistant it isn't susceptible to the rain or to excessive sweating (which I experienced as dropping about half the steps on a long run).

    The Fitbit is a good pedometer and activity monitor and it gives a reasonable if underestimated calorie expenditure associated with "steps" and on certain models floors climbed. It is a good activity monitor for general activities and it integrates well with MFP. You can wear it most of the time or all of the time if you use the wristband that comes with the One (there is also the Flex and the Zip so I'm not sure which one you are thinking about).

    I also have a HRM (Zephyr that communicates through my Android Phone via BT). I use the HRM for harder workouts and ones that aren't strictly cardio in nature. Someone above says the HRM is more accurate. Yes, if you properly calibrate it AND you use a program that accurately estimates energy expenditure in a nonlinear fashion (as well as your heart ranges from various profile and test data).

    I have gone to using iCardio (yes, people complain about the cost of the add-on modules). But, the iCardio program has determined that my lactate threshold heart rate (LTHR) is about 5 bpm higher than the standard max heart rate equation of 220-age.

    I kinda knew that before iCardio confirmed it for me because i could run a 10K race at a heart rate of 160 and complete it and feel like I could go another 10K without stopping. So, my training levels are quite a bit different than the "default" and evenly spaced training zones.

    I used a pedometer and then a Fitbit to get back down to near where I wanted to be in weight and fitness. The logging with MFP and Fitbit dropped the last 20 pounds. The HRM has now given me the training levels I am looking for.

    It all depends upon what your ultimate goal is.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Fitbits are pedometers. They can't be used to track most forms of exercise, only walking and jogging.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    Hmm looks like I'll be going back for another hrm then hehe. I must admit, the thing that attracted me to the fitbit was the sleep tracker and silent alarm (don't know why, just feels like it would be a "nicer" way of being woken?) It's probably going to be the polar ft4, or maybe f7.. but damn it's a lot of money when you can't afford to buy meat lol. I guess I'll be saving a while!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HRM Polar F7
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    I have a Timex Ironman hrm. It is a great tool for heart rate. But the calories burned are way off...tooooo many! I also have the Bodybugg and I love it. I believe it is pretty darn accurate. It also tracks your sleep and counts your steps. It syncs with mfp so you don't have to enter your food on their data base.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    A combination of both a Fitbit and a HRM Polar could be a good investment. The Fitbit One is especially accurate at recording footsteps, calories burned and even going upstairs. A HRM can be dead accurate for being in your "zone" and calculating a more precise amount calories burned during a workout. My treadmill has a built in heart monitor, so I don't really need to strap a pad to my chest, but I would if my treadmill didn't have that function on it.

    If you do decide to go with a Fitbit, I would suggest the Fitbit One, as opposed to the Fitbit Flex. Detailed reviews have shown the Fitbit Flex miscalculates steps taken. Especially whilst typing, writing, smoking etc. I have a Fitbit One, and it offers quite a lot of useful functions.
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    The FitBit is more than a "fancy pedometer". Yes, it counts your steps, but it also counts the INTENSITY of your activity to give you a more accurate picture of your daily calorie burn. Furthermore, you get credit for all of your daily activity, such as a day of shopping, or cleaning house. Also, the FitBit One (and the older Ultra) measure altitude gain so it is able to give you proper credit for hiking upwards. The only things it can't measure as well are weight training and swimming.

    Also, the FitBit is backed by a FANTASTIC company! They replaced a device for free after it was dropped while running (and run over by a car before it was found). I have heard of them replacing lost devices and ones that had gone through the wash.

    I started wearing the original FitBit in August 2011 and since then, I now have 11 friends and family members who also wear them every day. It's fun to battle on the leaderboard. :)

    Lastly, the FitBit is small and discreet, and usage of the website is free for life. That gives it a great total cost of ownership.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Look at thebBodymedia Fit website and do a search on here for lots of opinions.
  • sphinxagain
    I've been tempted to try a Fitbit Flex. What I *really* want is a Basis band, but they're not available yet. I've been on the waiting list for months. There's a few others around that look promising such as Amiigo and Jawbone, but don't sync with my old Android phone or a computer, making them utterly useless unless you use i-stuff. I have a couple friends who really really like their nike fuelbands. I went the cheap route and got a Timex with HRM chest strap. It works for keeping me in my zone for workouts, if I'm trail running I have mapmyrun on my phone for distance/speed/time.
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    My boyfriend said the same things about the fitbit. It is a glorified pedometer. He returned it.

    I have the Polar FT4 heartrate monitor. I love it. I'm not really good with technology, but it's super easy to use. I highly recommend it!!!!
  • knucklesammie
    knucklesammie Posts: 196 Member
    i have the polar ft4 and i absolutely love it! i would definitely recommend. i personally find it very motivating to see what i'm burning as i'm working out, especially on cardio days :happy: though it's also great in the weight room too, to see how much it's moved after a good set.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I think I'm leaning towards getting an ft4 (my old one was the f4). Fingers crossed I can find a wrist unit on ebay seeing as my chest strap is all good!
  • StaceySaysRelax
    StaceySaysRelax Posts: 52 Member
    I love my fitbit zip. It seems pretty accurate to me.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    well I stopped procrastinating and found myself one on ebay, and sniped it for a very good price, so I can look forward to hrm motivation once more soon, yay!