Answer those; who had experienced Jillian's 30 Ds!!

Hi everyone out there:)
hope all of you doing well!!
well, i am on my way to Jillian Micheals 30 DS Level 1! it is really hard workout to follow!! well as i am a biginer, i would love if anyone will help answering me these few confusions:

- How many calories do you burn at 20 mins of Level 1??
- Do u need to add those calories in your daily goal? (mine is 1200 per day)
- Does it matter if u can;t pick up heavy weights like in the video?? (i am using 1.75 lbs weight at level 1)
- Is it compulsary to follow the diet plan too?? (recommended by jillian alongwith 30 Ds)
- jumping jacks are like hell for me!! i am perfect to all other exercises! but do cheat at jumping jacks!! does it make alot difference??
- I do push ups with knees on the ground! i tried to do the proper way, but thats really really hard for me!! what if i am not able to do them even at 10th day?? will it make any difference in results??
- When do you exactly star getting results?? (a bit curious:P!!)



  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    It burns maybe 150 calories.

    The more you do the workout, the stronger you'll get. You'll be able to increase your weights and will get better at jumping jacks. You can stay on Level one as long as you like; no need to switch if you don't think you've progressed enough to advance.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I burn about 230 on level one. It depends on the intensity of the workout you do. It is really up to you, how hard you work. If you aren't able to do everything..then you can modify it to work for you. :)

    This is when a HRM is good, since you will know how much you burn.

    ETA: I always do the 30 ds right after jumping off the treadmill. So my heart rate is already raised when I start the stretching part.

    To me, to get maximum results, you have to do some other cardio or lifting. The 20 mins alone is not enough.
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    I am about 133 lbs- I burn about 140 cals on level 1, 170 on level 2, 160 on level 3. I use 5 lb, 8 lb, and 10 lb weights and switch them throughout all the levels depending on how hard I want to work.
  • T0FatToB3S1ck
    T0FatToB3S1ck Posts: 192 Member
    - How many calories do you burn at 20 mins of Level 1??
    I weigh 181 and burn 199 in 20 minutes

    - Do u need to add those calories in your daily goal?
    Log your exercise calories no matter what and don't net below 1200.

    - jumping jacks are like hell for me!! i am perfect to all other exercises! but do cheat at jumping jacks!! does it make alot difference??
    Yes it matters. You do jumping jacks for the cardio which gets your heart rate up. Your heart rate has to be at a certain number in order to burn fat. Don't cheat on the cardio.

    - I do push ups with knees on the ground! i tried to do the proper way, but thats really really hard for me!! what if i am not able to do them even at 10th day?? will it make any difference in results??
    I do my push ups the same way. I have no upper body strenghth what so ever. I don't know how the results will differ since I have never done them the normal way.

    - When do you exactly star getting results?
    Towards the end of week 2 I have been told.

    I am on day 2 round 2 of 30DS
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Definitely a tough workout, but you CAN do it... do it at your level, make an honest effort (you need to sweat, ya know? :), and you will feel so accomplished at the end!

    - How many calories do you burn at 20 mins of Level 1??
    Answer: Completely depends on your level of effort, your age, your weight, etc. It's all about YOU. :) I've found I may burn more calories on one day than another for the same workout at the same perceived level of effort. If you want something more exact to YOU, best thing to do is get a Heart Rate Monitor. The less expensive Polar ones (with chest strap) work great and are accurate, versus cheaper ones - esp those without a chest strap.

    - Do u need to add those calories in your daily goal? (mine is 1200 per day)
    Answer: Depends on how you have your activity level set. I have my activity level set to "sedentary" because I work an office job and because I can really vary the number of calories I burn in a workout - and I do different workouts each day. So, I enter my exercise calories burned each day.

    - Does it matter if u can;t pick up heavy weights like in the video?? (i am using 1.75 lbs weight at level 1)
    Answer: No. What matters is that you work out at your level, giving it an honest effort. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how fast you'll build up endurance and strength. When it becomes "easy", then increase your weight. You should be able to sense the "when". Also, you can switch up - start with a bit heavier weight and if it becomes too much, put 'em down and pick up a lighter set!

    - Is it compulsary to follow the diet plan too?? (recommended by jillian alongwith 30 Ds)
    Answer: No... but you need to eat healthy, if you want to see complete results. If that's a different plan that's easier for you to follow, then do that. You can start out with Jillian's and modify it to meet your needs. Just log accurately and pay attention not to just the total calories, but also (at least) your Fat, Carb, and Protein intake. Keep them in line with your total daily goals. You will feel better and your body will respond better.

    - jumping jacks are like hell for me!! i am perfect to all other exercises! but do cheat at jumping jacks!! does it make alot difference??
    Answer: What makes a difference is not doing your BEST. :) Don't wimp out. If at first you can't do a jumping jack, fine - cheat. It's always better to do something than nothing! But, you should feel when you're capable of doing more. So, if it's only 3 jacks, and then you do the "cheat" ones... do it. Next workout, maybe you'll be able to do 4... or only 2 if you really pushed yourself hard the last workout!

    - I do push ups with knees on the ground! i tried to do the proper way, but thats really really hard for me!! what if i am not able to do them even at 10th day?? will it make any difference in results??
    Answer: I'm sounding like a broken record. :) Do what you can and push yourself to do more as you become stronger! Like with the jacks, if you can only do one "regular" push-up, then do 1 and drop to your knees to do the rest. Add more "regular" ones as you can.

    - When do you exactly star getting results?? (a bit curious:P!!)
    Answer: You are likely to FEEL the results before SEEING the results. Don't get discouraged if you don't immediately see some huge body changes. Everyone is different... how you eat makes a difference... feed yourself ENOUGH good foods, without going into a binge cycle. :) It can be tricky. But, I'll tell you, I saw some posters with some awesome changes in 30 days! They ate right, logged accurately, and put in some serious effort. Maybe they weren't totally shredded at the end, but the body changes were something to behold!! Truly!

    Also ... word of caution... you may not want to do the workout every day - meaning 5-6 times a week (NEVER do it 7). Listen to your body. You will likely feel some pain, of course, and soreness, but it shouldn't be pain from injury. Myself, I cannot do any workout repetitively as I'm prone to overuse injuries (like shin splints). So, when I'm doing Jillian workouts, I normally do her workouts 3x week (M-W-F worked for me) and did other types of workouts on Tues/Thurs. I don't do "scheduled" workouts on weekends (and I'm in maintenance mode). You can try doing the workouts back-to-back, but listen to your body. If you start feeling more soreness than you feel is appropriate for the effort of your workout, you may want to try an every-other-day approach.

  • h4hiraayub
    h4hiraayub Posts: 25
    Yes i am doing Cardio! Before starting jillian's workout, i do treadmill for atleast 15 minutes.. i tried it to take to 30 mins, but after 30 mins, u arn't able to completely give ur best to jillian's 20 mins!! So 15 mins work good for me to carry on to next 20 hard mins!!
  • h4hiraayub
    h4hiraayub Posts: 25
    Darlilama Thank u dear for such a detailed answer! i really helped me!!:)
    Infact Thank u everyone who answered!! u people really helped solving my questions!!
  • SadFaerie
    SadFaerie Posts: 243 Member
    Yes i am doing Cardio! Before starting jillian's workout, i do treadmill for atleast 15 minutes.. i tried it to take to 30 mins, but after 30 mins, u arn't able to completely give ur best to jillian's 20 mins!! So 15 mins work good for me to carry on to next 20 hard mins!!
    If you struggle with the workout, I suggest you swap and do treadmill afterwards. Do not tire yourself before, it'll affect your performance, for the worse.
  • h4hiraayub
    h4hiraayub Posts: 25
    If you struggle with the workout, I suggest you swap and do treadmill afterwards. Do not tire yourself before, it'll affect your performance, for the worse.

    But i don't feel like doing anything after jillian's workout!!! Do u think jillian leave ur body that much relax that u can do treadmill afterwards...?? lolx!! I don't think so!! I am all sore after giving those 20 mins to jillian!!