Looking for your successes!!!

I am, and have been a weight watcher. I am tired of paying $45/month for the program and honestly I'm getting frustrated. I've spent about $600 in the last year, and lost 11lbs. I've also noticed that healthy things with weight watchers (that aren't full of artificial things) are costing more points than they should.

I'm hoping some of you could share you success stories with me so you can help me validate my decision to leave WW and stay here. I want to see how well others have done to help me stay and keep me motivated! Thanks in advance! :)


  • dazaliah
    dazaliah Posts: 37 Member
    Yep. Former weight watcher here. The more it's processed, the worse I feel (except pudding, I love pudding). Counting calories helped me lose more than weight watchers and I felt it was easier too. You have to be accountable though, log everything. I find it's easy for me to "forget" what I've eaten sometimes. Those little nibbles here and there add up!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,867 Member
    never did weight watchers, i lost weight 4 years ago exercising and counting calories, i hit my goal, i started at 172, got to 136, then got lazy and gained it all back, im currently back at it, this time i started at 172 (i did read 174 on the scale once) im now 162.8 with a goal of dropping another 25lbs.

    This was my before and after from 4 years ago, i did it on a 1200-1600 calorie diet, ate about 1/2 my workout calories back, i worked out 5 days week doing jillian michaels, p90x, and weight lifting
    -1.png 514.3K
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,867 Member

    Never did weight watchers personally but my parents did it for a time and it didn't do much for them. Myfitnesspal is free and much more accurate than the WW points system, and you can eat whatever you want. I have been successful losing 13 pounds so far. I'm on a pretty slow weight loss rate so that's taken like 5 months, but I chose to go with higher calories so I didn't feel deprived and that means it takes longer but it's much easier- I don't even feel like I'm on a diet. I'm very happy with my progress and looking forward to having more! I also do regular exercise to improve my strength, health, and physique. Diet (calorie intake, proper macros balance) is about 80 or 90 % of my success I think, but exercise does help and feels great too. Here's some pics of my progress with myfitnesspal and working out, hope it helps to motivate you:
    Great job, im with you, its taken me 3 months to lose 10 lbs, partly because i wasnt fully dedicated at first, but i also am trying to lose it slowely-ish
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,115 Member
    I've never done weight watchers. I just used mfp. I set my goal for 1 pound per week and ate back most of my exercise calories. I walk almost daily and do some light yoga. I lost over 60 pounds and now I am in maintenance. I did do the C25k app and so I run now about 3 days a week ,but I started that after I hit goal. I did a little tweaking of my goal and how many exercise calories I ate, but I pretty much just followed mfp guidelines. I eat foods I like that fit my goals. I see no need to pay for a program when counting calories is so easy with the technology we have now.
  • ibboykin
    ibboykin Posts: 97 Member
    Or all plans work for all people. I for one do not believe that a plan where I have to buy their food is worth it.
    I have never had a real weight issue although I did need to lose about 30 lbs. I can't buy into the fad diets either so I met with a dietician and just went healthy. I primarily watch my sodium, trans &a saturated fats, sugar and my cholesterol intake. No red meat. I eat lots of seafood and chicken. High fiber, whole grains leafy greens. Lots of fruits and veggies. No added sugar, no sodas and no fast food. It's really a common sense approach. Since October 23, 2016 I have lost 23.6 lbs. I no longer wake up or come home fatigued. I have a better disposition and overall attitude. I do exercise on my own by walking, stretching, and yoga focusing on my core.
    I am amazed at how much better I feel. I convinced my wife to try this and she is already seeing a difference after two weeks.
    Hope this helps.
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    You *don't* need to pay for some program to lose weight.
  • JoeCWV
    JoeCWV Posts: 213 Member
    I lost 70 pounds with MFP. I've been in maintenance for three years. I struggle from time to time with maintenance but it's all free, and it's all on me to succeed, or fail. What have you got to lose, except for excess weight. Good Luck.
  • yogagirlT
    yogagirlT Posts: 91 Member
    Raising my hand...I lost 40 lbs on WWs in my early 30s which was over 10 years ago. I gained it all back and while WWs has good intentions I think MFP is far easier and not as frustrating. The same thing happened with my mom. As soon as people go off WWS, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem etc. it is difficult to maintain that weight loss. I have had help from a health coach but she is the one who got me started on MFP and I lost 25 lbs in 2016. :)
  • smars_2
    smars_2 Posts: 3 Member
    I have lost weight successfully three times with WW. For me, counting points on their platform is really a lot like MFP.

    For me, the financial investment forced me to stick with it because I was determined to make the program worth my money. I needed the accountability of looking into someone's eyes when I weighed in. I needed the weekly check in at meetings. It wasn't at all about the points system that made it a necessity for me.

    Now that I'm a bit older, I'm able to use MFP alone along with friends. I've slipped up way more times this route than when I was on WW.
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