Feel like crap after starting back up!

It's been almost a year since I was doing the whole "lifestyle change" thing. Ever since I've been back in the saddle, I've been so freaking irritable all the time, tired all the time, and not to mention...I have a lovely headache every single day (been at this almost 2 weeks now). I feel worse than I did before I started. My workouts feel like torture. I've lost a lot of weight in previous years no problem. No irritability, nothing. What the hell is going on?


  • boothekm1
    boothekm1 Posts: 60 Member
    Did you change your caffeine intake drastically?
  • rach3365
    rach3365 Posts: 29 Member
    boothekm1 wrote: »
    Did you change your caffeine intake drastically?

    Nope. I only drank caffeine maybe once or twice every two weeks. Wasn't a big pop drinker either. Fast food was more my forte.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    How much are you eating?
  • jimr5454
    jimr5454 Posts: 19 Member
    Blood preasure ? Have you had it checked ?
    Maybe need caffine ????
    Its always rough the firsr 20 days ...
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    It is what it is, and takes some getting used to. Physically the process of losing weight is starving yourself (giving it slightly less than it needs to force the fat stores to be used). Our bodies don't like to do it. It's evolutionary. So... we suck it up and deal with it. When the weight is gone you can bump your calories up a little, maintain, and have more energy again.

    If you're getting headaches of significance that an aspirin doesn't help, you might want to see a doctor since they can be a sign of larger health problems.