Finding your Will Power

Reno_Amber Posts: 10 Member
edited January 2017 in Motivation and Support
I approached this life change of losing weight and eating healthier with gusto and full motivation. I found even when temptation was right in from of me I could resist. Will Power Cape On!

Then something I didn't count on, Last Friday I was told my (almost) 80 yr old daddy was having open heart surgery on the 21st of this month. I can't begin to tell you how this sucked the air from my chest. My daddy is my hero. The white knights look to him to see how it is done. From the moment I received the news that morning to when my husband came home from work that evening, I had not gotten off the couch! As for getting up and cooking, well that just wasnt going to happen. Even more so, my husband wasnt going to cook either. So off to fast food he went. Sure we got the lowest calories on the menu but I did, I over indulged. Next day, same thing and again the day after that. Finally got back on the scale and wow imagine that, the pounds I had already worked hard to lose where on there way back.

I have stopped eating out this week and I am back on portion and calorie control. To be very honest, I am happiest counting calories. It just works for me. Always has. It is the LAZY me that likes fast food. Lazy Amber has been in control far to long.

Every time I talk to my daddy (and it has been a lot this week) I hang up the phone wanting to eat an entire box of mac n cheese or pasta, anything. Anything I shouldn't. I am looking for comfort in food. I haven't always been that way.

My weight gain started because of a health issue. The meds I had to take ballooned my weight. Once off the meds after a few years, the damage was done, I was heavy. With total disgust in myself, I ate myself fat. At the time, I didn't see the difference between heavy and fat. I would love to just be heavy right now.

I feel guilty because I cant be with my daddy tomorrow for his surgery. We live in different states. I want food to comfort me. Finding the will power to not give in has been HARD this week. I keep thinking if I had to take care of my daddy can I do it? Do I have the physical stamina to do it? Truth? Nope, I do not. Not only is that my will power, it is now my motivation.

What is your motivation? Will it hold up during stressful times?


Reno, NV


  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    Just my thoughts on motivation - inspiration and motivation are fleeting, they come and go like waves on a beach. It takes more. It takes determination and discipline and commitment. I guess those are some big words. And I dont pretend to have fully grasped it subconsciously. I meditate on such things, I set goals. I set near goals and long term goals. I struggle greatly with emotions, i can be very high and very low, never even keel. And when Im depressed, or anxious, I too look for comfort in food. I discipline my flesh, and permit only specific foods to be eaten, I no longer eat processed or fast foods. So my comfort go-to is warm oatmeal. Probably not making much sense.

    But hey - meditate, calm your mind, Use the higher brain, teh executive part to overrule the emotional urges if possible. Set some big goals, and mini goals. And if you take a few steps backwards, dust yourself off, dont be so hard on yourself, and just forge ahead.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Motivation doesn't really work for me. Habits are what keep me going. Building positive patterns requires less mental and physical energy in the long run. Habits are there when motivation disappears.