Stress eater

I was doing very well, losing at a good rate (9 pounds since Jan 1). Yesterday a coworker and I had a confrontation that had been a long time coming. I then ate cookies, lots of them. Ashamed immediately but then it was too late. Pray that I can get back on track today.


  • Jules_farmgirl
    Jules_farmgirl Posts: 225 Member
    I understand this. I am a stress eater. I can avoid cravings when I am upset, I can avoid during TOM, but when I am stressed I cave.

    Stress is one of the reasons I allowed myself to fall off the fit wagon and put weight back on.

    You can get back on track and do this! I have found cardio is how I deal with stress the best. It helps work off the frustration and also I don't want to eat unhealthy amounts of food after and undo the good I just did for my body.
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    Cookies are definitely a balm for the soul. :) Cookies and walks are even better for dealing with stress, and they can counterbalance each other. If you didn't get your walk in yesterday, you can always fit it in today. Also, as someone who works in a high pressure environment, I can also testify that baked goods and coffee can help heal rifts with coworkers, as can a good walk and chat together. It doesn't always work with everyone, like psychopaths, but sometimes enemies can be turned into friends. Or at least wary neutrals. Good luck with your tense situation.
  • sbtripp
    sbtripp Posts: 44 Member
    edited January 2017
    I had tried being friends but it just isn't going to happen. Everyone except her supervisor sees her as difficult. She is constantly looking for faults in others and pointing them out in an accusatory manner, sometimes even reporting mistakes/faults rather than handling them in a tactful way herself. No walks in the future for the two of us, but maybe with someone else or alone. :s
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    I feel your pain, I'm a stress eater too.

    You can't change what someone else say or does to you, but you can control your response. I've been trying meditation recently and I think it helps. There are a bunch of apps out there.

    I do ensure I have replacement foods when I'm out and about or at work, so I eat them before poor choices. I keep nuts and some 90% chocolate at my desk, also tinned tuna and protein powder, I eat these first and they tend to fill me. Think about what would work best for you.

    Don't hope you can get back on track, decide you are going to get back on track and believe in yourself. We all have bad days, draw alone in the sand and move on.

    But I will say, long term you probably need to think of non food stress relieving techniques! I'm speaking from experience here, a previous little stress ball trying to unravel a healthier person!