Posting My "Befores"...

MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
edited January 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all! Not necessarily new to MyFitnessPal, but have created a new account as I embark on this new weight loss journey more determined than ever.

So, this is probably one of the scariest things I've done, especially because I've been mocked and teased about my weight online on various sites in the past. You're looking at my before photos. If you know me (& well, that's nobody here! ha!), I never wear short sleeves or shorts because of how self conscious I am... especially of those areas. While I could definitely feel a change in my body's physical capabilities, I didn't realize how really BIG I had gotten. This is incredibly eye opening and saddening. But it also makes me feel hopeful that I won't ever be back to this place. Forge ahead! I've decided to embark on my journey to becoming and maintaining a healthier lifestyle, by first participating in a year-long medically supervised weight loss program. So here's to me posting my before and to me starting my journey to posting my progress photos in the months and years to come so I can see how hard I've worked to achieve My Optimal Life! Feel free to add me if you'd like to follow along. I'd love to add any of you who are also on this journey and documenting along the way! Day 4 of the rest of my life!



  • MellowRobot
    MellowRobot Posts: 15 Member
    Threw you a request. Congratulations on starting your journey.
  • ChelleDee07
    ChelleDee07 Posts: 396 Member
    You've got this! We both do! I just joined a gym last week and have noticed I am making some better choices with my eating habits. I knew I had gained weight again, but really didn't realize that I was only 3 lbs less than my heaviest weight until last week when I joined the gym. How did I not realize how much weight I had packed on? Anyway... I just joined here last week also (my first time) and I love it. I log my water, food, exercise and all. I started at 260 and my goal weight is currently 175. Starting 10 days ago, I have lost 11lbs so far. I am certain most of that has been water weight and I know the loss is going to slow down... but I will take what I can get ya know?
  • Fkika3131
    Fkika3131 Posts: 208 Member
    Awesome, You can do this :)
  • treva_diva
    treva_diva Posts: 2 Member
    I'm here with you on this journey, sent u a friend request.
  • ducklady27
    ducklady27 Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me :smile:
  • kmusgrave62
    kmusgrave62 Posts: 1 Member
    You got this girl!! When picking food choices always read labels! Don't assume something is healthy just because it is in the health or organic section! Try to stay away from added sugars! That was huge for me just learning what is healthy and what is not!! Feel free to add me!! #kicksomea$$
  • chickpeas62
    chickpeas62 Posts: 9 Member
    love that you called it your 'transformation' journey - all the best to you :)
  • zella1100
    zella1100 Posts: 19 Member
    edited January 2017
    You have my support. :) I promise I won't mock or tease you. We have confidence in you and we look forward to your new future transformation.
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    Threw you a request. Congratulations on starting your journey.

    Awesome! Excited to support each other along the way!
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    Good luck on your journey. You are very pretty!

    Thanks for the luck! Will be lots of hard-work and determination, for sure. You're so sweet - thank you.
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    You've got this! We both do! I just joined a gym last week and have noticed I am making some better choices with my eating habits. I knew I had gained weight again, but really didn't realize that I was only 3 lbs less than my heaviest weight until last week when I joined the gym. How did I not realize how much weight I had packed on? Anyway... I just joined here last week also (my first time) and I love it. I log my water, food, exercise and all. I started at 260 and my goal weight is currently 175. Starting 10 days ago, I have lost 11lbs so far. I am certain most of that has been water weight and I know the loss is going to slow down... but I will take what I can get ya know?

    Wow! ChelleDee - Congrats! 11 pounds is a lot. It sounds like you're really determined and are already seeing some changes. I'd love to stay connected to witness each other achieving our goals! :)
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    Fkika3131 wrote: »
    Awesome, You can do this :)

    Thanks so much, Fkika! You look great!!
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    I'm here with you on this journey, sent u a friend request.

    Thanks, Treva! I've accepted!
  • Emily_AK87
    Emily_AK87 Posts: 64 Member
    Good for you!! That's awesome and inspirational
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    You got this girl!! When picking food choices always read labels! Don't assume something is healthy just because it is in the health or organic section! Try to stay away from added sugars! That was huge for me just learning what is healthy and what is not!! Feel free to add me!! #kicksomea$$

    Thanks so much for the advice. My first 12 weeks of my medically supervised program I have no choice - which is really nice. We'll slowly starting adding back in real, healthy, good-for-me foods! It's crazy because food is in EVERYTHING!!!
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    You got this ..... just be patient ... it has taken me a lil over 2 years to lose 91 lbs ..You are welcome to add me ..wishing you nothing but the best on your journey :)
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    love that you called it your 'transformation' journey - all the best to you :)

    Thanks so much, chickpea! My journey is being "kick-started" with a year-long medically supervised weight loss program, but I know that this will last much longer than just a year or two. It's really going to be a lifestyle change that will take years for me to fully grasp and understand to it's fullest.
  • MyOptimalLife
    MyOptimalLife Posts: 51 Member
    serindipte wrote: »
    Welcome to the rest of your life :smile:

    Joining MFP was the best thing I've ever done! Coming back again for round two after letting go through some personal junk. I'd lost 50lbs before and regained 30lbs of that. I'm going to get down to my goal weight this time and keep it off.

    (Please read the following in the kindest tone possible. That's how it's meant)

    I took a glance through your diary and saw no actual food? Optifast everything plus some broth and vitamins... I can understand if you're just wanting to give yourself a kick start. I also wanted to let you know that you can do this with regular food. It's going to work better, be more sustainable and help you to keep the weight off if you lose it with food. Learning to properly proportion (via the use of a food scale), how to balance "good" food (nutritiously dense) with "bad" food (less nutritious but oh so yummy) is one of the great advantages of this program, in my opinion. ETA: I just caught the part of the year long medical weight loss program. Oops.

    I'm sending a friend request and hope to watch as you and I both shrink down to where we want to be!

    Hi Serindipte, Congrats on the previous weight loss - I'm sure you can do it again!! I've had a hard time losing weight my entire life. So many people turn to weight loss surgery at this point, which - I have no judgement against! I just am afraid of going under the knife and figured I would try this plan before ever thinking about doing that. The nice thing about this plan is it is very comprehensive, so it includes meeting with a doctor, medical assistant, nutritionist, fitness trainer, etc. every week! I think so much of the time when we struggle with our weight, especially when it's your entire life, there are deep mental issues also at work. This just felt like the right path for me.

    Fingers crossed for both of our success. Excited to follow your progress as well!