Lots of weight to lose 60lbs+

Hello fellow FitnessPals,

My name is Nadine-Johanna and I am 26 years old. I have previously posted pretty much the same a year ago and guess what? Not much has changed. My health went downhill in 2016, physically and mentally, and I couldn't focus on dieting.

I am currently 209,6lbs (started at 215lbs last week) and I would like to get down to 160lbs by late summer. I lost track of the times I tried to lose weight, what I do remember is that I first went on a diet when I was fourteen and looking back, I wasn't overweight. Just a bit chubby. In my late teens I gained more weight and then once I moved out from home, I out on even more weight. I tried many diets and while I am a very active person, I kept putting on weight. After visiting many doctors I was finally somehow diagnosed with PCOS by my GP in London, but they couldn't find any ovarian cysts on the scan and didn't want to put me on Metformin. Two years ago I moved to Germany, where I had access to great healthcare and my gynaecologist did a transvaginal ultrasound, where she could see plenty of cysts, some of them quite big and towards the end of last year I was in a lot of pain thanks to one ruptured cyst after another. Just before Christmas in 2015 I also had surgery, where they found a small tumour in my uterus, luckily it's all good and I just need to keep an eye on it. I also have Candida albicans. Last year I met a fantastic holistic nutritionist in Lugano, who has a lot of PCOS clients and she advised me to do special blood tests and ta da I finally found out how imbalanced my hormones were. I went to see a good endocrinologist in London and he gave me a lot of hope, putting me on Metformin three times a day and another hormone. But at the end of July I had an accident, breaking my ankle three times and I spent a while in hospital. Long story short, my last surgery was before Christmas and I hope I am fine for now, just lots of physical therapy.

Anyway, my goal for this year and the future is to be healthy again. I didn't look after myself, especially in 2015 and 2016 and my health really paid for it. I am now at a much better space, having just moved to Dubai where I work less hours and have more time to myself, I also have more time for meal preparation again and I want to start Yoga.

In early 2014 I lost a lot of weight easily on a Paleo diet. I wasn't 100% strict on it, as I would have cheese sometimes, but I lost 22lbs in less than three months without doing anything. I didn't feel hungry at all and my overall health improved drastically. However, I started having my final exams at university and I had no time for meal preparation as I also worked 60 hours a week. I also didn't put my health first and I would put watching Netflix over staying strong, working out and eating healthily.

Looking forward to this and I would love to connect with others,



  • timjmartin23
    timjmartin23 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm on a journey too, I am going to lose another 100 lbs this year, already lost 24lbs since I started with a PT in mid November.

    If I can share what I've found, denying yourself food or foods doesn't work - eat clean, unprocessed food for your main diet & moderation on the rest - stay in your MFP target & log everything - even if it puts you over!

    Exercise is everything & don't shy from the weights as well as cardio - it accelerates your base metabolism rate & really helps.

    Try not to "lose 100 lbs ... rather, lose 1lb but 100 times" ... don't know why but that makes me feel better

    Add if you wish... I don't ramble on quite as much but do log every day!

  • rajeshvvcool
    rajeshvvcool Posts: 168 Member
    Aspire to inspire. That is the key. I lost around 60 Lbs and have become a totally different person.

    Check out my post:-
