Weight fluctuation

Hello, my name is Courtney, and I recently had a baby about 10 weeks ago and am still nursing.. (probably will for a year) but anyway... my weight just keeps fluctuating even when I am working out.. First of all I don't know how many calories I really need to be eating to keep my milk supply up in order for me to continue nursing.. so its like when I am hungry I eat.. and sometimes I eat even when I am not hungry ( I need to listen to my body and stop eating out of boredom) so when I am counting my calories and then I track them on here its hard cause I keep going over my limit that is set, but in reality I know I am alright because I am nursing and I need to eat more that that 1500... anyway if I am making any sense... I just want to see the continuous downward spiral of my weight and keep it off... anyone know about how many calories I need to eat while nursing..? and also is there a setting I can use saying I am nursing and gauge it off of that instead of a regular person my weights calorie intake??? Open to all suggestions.. thanks!


  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    Hi! Congrats on your new baby! I am no longer nursing, but I've read that you need about 500 extra calories when your baby is exclusively breastfed. When you start introducing solids you will need less and less of that 500 cals... so maybe you could shoot for going 500 over goal? I think I also remember that you can add breastfeeding into the exersize database and it will add calories for you.

  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    I've heard that on average a woman burns 500 calories a day if they're nursing exclusively.

    Congratulations on your new baby!
  • evansdeloris
    Congrats on the baby!

    Also, remember... You did just have the baby and it will take a little bit before your body will even set back naturally. You can find some information on the internet, if not ask your doctor, but in all actually it does take a whole year before a woman's body is completely healed from the baby.

    If you feel the need to snack, just make sure you're grabbing those healthy snacks and you will be fine. Just don't go grabbing that double cheese burger with a large fry and coke. LOL

    Well, my son is six months now and I started working out again when he turned 4 months and it was really hard for me to get back into it. Not to mention my abdominal muscles were really weak. Try walking a lot if you're not already and just pick it up week by week until you're ready or find your own workout that suits you.

    Good Luck and hopefully I helped a little. As far as the calories, don't be to harsh on yourself because you are nursing and you are going to need those calories because of it. I do notice the calories we use on this website is for those who are not exactly active in exercise. The active you get the more calories you will burn. It's complex only because of the nursing, but its not that bad. Just enjoy that brand new baby!