Hi! I need your help!

I have such a hard time staying motivated so I need a support system. I need friends here!!!! I have also never really had to workout until I hit my 30's (goodbye metabolism!) So I need advice on how to get healthy and stay in a routine. IT'S SO HARD :'(:#


  • Zieskej
    Zieskej Posts: 33 Member
    Feel free to friend me. Motivation is something we all can use help with from time to time. Starting a routine and them staying in a routine is also hard. Your just have to have the determination and you will do fine. I had quite a few blunders myself today trying to get a work out in.
  • Ang_from_Colorado
    Ang_from_Colorado Posts: 55 Member
    im not really sure why you think your metabolism is shot at 30? i was morbidly obese until last year.. lost weight just fine and my metabolism still works

    I think it's because before I hit 30 I burned everything really fast then it's like that stopped. My life didn't change much but the way I felt daily did and I also read that sometimes it can happen.