Let's talk protein



  • hellobaconplease
    hellobaconplease Posts: 108 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi! I adore my protein filled foods. I am weightlifting every second day currently, I'm doing hypertrophy type reps and sets but have noticed an increase in strength. I have been following my current plan for 4.5 weeks now, and have increased the amounts I can lift in front press, squat, bent over row, deadlift, bicep curl (barbell) and bench press. I'm now at "novice" or a bit above for all lifts, for female lifting standards for my weight. I was worse that total beginner 5 weeks ago. This is according to this website anyway:


    I don't have any illusions that I'm gaining muscle, but helping to maintain what I have is my main goal. I was surprised at the strength gains. I'm not new to lifting but haven't ever stuck to anything very well in the past. I'm lucky that I have my own oly bar and plates.

    As for food, I have 4 eggs and a couple slices of vogels toast every morning. I also have meat generally twice a day, usually chicken breast/tenderloins or beef mince.

    I am breastfeeding up to 10 times a day and find I generally feel better and less tired and grumpy if I keep an eye on my macros.

    Stronger than 5% of lifters. A beginner lifter can perform the movement correctly and has practiced it for at least a month.

    Stronger than 20% of lifters. A novice lifter has trained regularly in the technique for at least six months.

    Stronger than 50% of lifters. An intermediate lifter has trained regularly in the technique for at least two years.

    Stronger than 80% of lifters. An advanced lifter has progressed for over five years.

    Stronger than 95% of lifters. An elite lifter has dedicated over five years to become competitive at strength sports.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    That website made me giggle. Apparently, been lifting since August, my bench is crap (43%), my squat is meh (67%), ohp is meh (59%), but my deadlift is prosauce (87%).

    Gonna be gunning for them Ed Coan records, I guess. xD