Lifting Strong

Hi (: I started mfp this evening! I am posting here because I would like to build a friend base with others with similar
goals as mine. So feel free to add if my goals or plan sounds similar to yours (: I also have a question or two.

I will be doing a mix of eating healthier, measuring/weighing my food as well as Intermittent fasting. I also am following the
plan of stronglifting 5x5 and cardio.

I plan on lifting weights at home so tomorrow heading to Walmart. Does anyone have a recommendation of a weight to start
at for a beginner woman? I also have been watching youtube videos on form, hoping to not injure myself :P

PS - will be posting real pics once I take one that is good enough in my eyes :P


  • rick_po
    rick_po Posts: 449 Member
    Without knowing your weight, it's hard to know where you should start. But these would be very rough weights for an untrained woman:

    Squat about 45
    Bench press about 45 pounds
    Bent over row about 35
    Overhead press about 30
    Deadlift about 50

    These include the weight of the bar In a barbell lift. If your empty bar weighs more than the starting weight, you can try the lift with two dumbbells that add up to the starting weight.

    Be aware that you may be a little weaker, or significantly stronger, than this. If you try and it's obviously too much, don't push it. You could start at somewhat lower weights than this while you're learning the lifts, but you'll get stronger pretty fast, and you'll move past these weights very quickly.