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I Answer You, You Answer Me



  • slider728
    slider728 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Yes, but not for many, many years

    HYE gotten into a bar fight?
  • JeanieWww
    JeanieWww Posts: 4,037 Member

    HYE had someone at a bar grab you by your hair and force you to dance with them?
  • _m0lly
    _m0lly Posts: 900 Member
    Have you ever eaten over 10,000 calories in one day?
  • Comms0p
    Comms0p Posts: 228 Member

    HYE adjusted your underwear in public?
  • _m0lly
    _m0lly Posts: 900 Member
    Yes, you simply have to sometimes.
    Have you ever lost a large amount of money?
  • Comms0p
    Comms0p Posts: 228 Member
    Think largest was $50?

    Ever complain about a guy that has Waaay too much cologne in the gym?
  • richardpkennedy1
    richardpkennedy1 Posts: 1,890 Member

    Ever bench pressed your own body weight?
  • Comms0p
    Comms0p Posts: 228 Member
    No. Not yet.

    Ever make a single cup of coffee and forget to put the cup in place?
  • Dyl1789
    Dyl1789 Posts: 2,933 Member

    Ever accidentally use salt instead of sugar in your coffee
  • Comms0p
    Comms0p Posts: 228 Member

    What was the embarrassing thing you texted because of autocorrect ?
  • slider728
    slider728 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Honestly, none that I can think of. Most of my autocorrects turned my text unreadable rather than funny

    What is your favorite soft drink?
  • shortgirlsneedlovetoo
    shortgirlsneedlovetoo Posts: 4,592 Member
    Dr Pepper

    What's a food you can't live without
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    edited April 2017

    What is your favourite thing to do on your day off work?
  • slider728
    slider728 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Lay down next to my wife and sleep. With her working days and my working nights, I feel like I never see her. :'(

    Same question
  • shortgirlsneedlovetoo
    shortgirlsneedlovetoo Posts: 4,592 Member
    Get lost in a good book

    A famous person you'd love to meet?
  • slider728
    slider728 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Clint Eastwood or Robert DeNiro....they just seem to make classy cool

    What is your favorite animal/reptile/etc to have as a pet?
  • Jen127bryan
    Jen127bryan Posts: 43 Member
    Snakes. Ball pythons to be specific.

    What is your biggest fear?

  • nFoooo
    nFoooo Posts: 136 Member
    Dying as I am right now, without having realised my potential or really lived.

    Have you ever meditated?
  • slider728
    slider728 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Not in a religious sense, but to refocus on something, yes

    What is the farthest south you have been?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Nova Scotia
