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I Answer You, You Answer Me



  • rjword7
    rjword7 Posts: 241 Member
    Gates of Fire

    Fav movie in last 2 years?
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    Thanksgiving at my grandmother's may she rest in peace

    Do you have a lot of cousins
  • willfalconxp
    willfalconxp Posts: 329 Member
    Most spontaneous thing you've done?
  • TsitoB
    TsitoB Posts: 505 Member
    Stuck it in crazy, I mean

    What is the ideal Saturday night for you?
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    Boxing poker friends and alcohol

    Jedi or Sith
  • TsitoB
    TsitoB Posts: 505 Member
    edited July 2017
    Jedi then Sith like Anakin

    Same question
  • willfalconxp
    willfalconxp Posts: 329 Member
    Most beautiful thing you've seen?
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    edited July 2017
    I'm not sure honestly but I know that when I was young I used to pick out the cheapest shoes in the store when we went school shopping because I knew my mother couldn't afford a lot

    Oops thought you meant most beautiful thing that I've done as for the most beautiful thing I've seen my son when he was born

    how many friends do you have that you would help hide a body tonight
  • LovelyLaroo
    LovelyLaroo Posts: 194 Member

    Song that pumps you up?
  • willfalconxp
    willfalconxp Posts: 329 Member
    Born to fight Tracy Chapman
    Favourite song of all time or at the moment?
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    Die die die by The Misfits

    Do you know who the Misfits are LOL
  • willfalconxp
    willfalconxp Posts: 329 Member
    Sorry born to fight by Tracy Chapman haha
  • willfalconxp
    willfalconxp Posts: 329 Member
    Possibly the name rings a bell
    Favourite book/series of all time?
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    Harry Potter...

    Same q
  • Essenzook
    Essenzook Posts: 4,052 Member
    Inspector Gamache mysteries by Louise Penny

    Fav autobiography
  • willfalconxp
    willfalconxp Posts: 329 Member
    Hard one... Either 'My Early Life' (by Churchill) or 'David Suzuki' (by Suzuki), but for the sake of the question my answer would be My Early Life.
    Earlist memory (that you're willing to share)?
  • Sivadee00
    Sivadee00 Posts: 428 Member
    Being carried by my father in a hospital and seeing sleeping newborn infants through a glass window.

    Your favorite comedy show?
  • Mike_take2
    Mike_take2 Posts: 2,150 Member
    Of all time: Seinfeld

    Best movie villan
  • willfalconxp
    willfalconxp Posts: 329 Member
    The joker (Heath Ledger not Jack Nicoleson)
    Nicest thing you've ever done?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    I'm a pretty nice person in general, and always try to do good everyday! :)

    I guess one would be the time felt I needed to help this homeless man so I went and waited for twenty minutes at the nearest restaurant for the food I had ordered. When I went back to give it to him he was gone. I was heartbroken! I gave it to another man that was standing in the same vicinity. It had started to rain by then. When driving towards home, there he was sitting under the awning of a Walgreens. I asked and then begged my husband to stop, but after the last instance and $12 I had already spent he refused. I don't know why I felt this need to help this one particular person, I just felt like I really needed to, So at home I made him a plate of grilled chicken rice and veggies and wrapped up a couple of cookies and grabbed a bottled water, the whole time praying that he would still be there since it was still raining. It was a good ten mi away but when I pulled up he was still there :) I was elated!!! I parked the car and got out and gave him what I had prepared, he Thanked me and that was that. I felt so right after that!

    Whew!!! Long answer and I'm gonna ask the same Question! ;)