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I Answer You, You Answer Me



  • briana013
    briana013 Posts: 190 Member
    Yup. 21 days after a huge hurricane.
    Do you believe in having a soulmate?
  • initials1248
    initials1248 Posts: 429 Member
    You two should pm each other.
    I'm in Melbourne Australia.
    What's your ideal weekend? Where would you go and what you do on your ideal Friday, Saturday Sunday?

    Do you have bearded dragons where you live?
  • initials1248
    initials1248 Posts: 429 Member
    gmikesell wrote: »
    Agree about if they have kids. Otherwise, generally no unless its for something like gas. I can identify with needing a few bucks for gas back in the day. Don't have that problem anymore myself but I know what it's like to be there so I have a soft spot for gas-needy folk.

    What is something you had the opportunity to do but didn't and now live with none of the memories and only the regret?

    I used to be the same way. Never had gas to do anything lol :(
  • initials1248
    initials1248 Posts: 429 Member
    briana013 wrote: »
    Yup. 21 days after a huge hurricane.
    Do you believe in having a soulmate?

    Same. Most of the state was without power for most of the month.
  • willfalconxp
    willfalconxp Posts: 329 Member
    Do you have bearded dragons where you live?

    Nope but we do have drop-bears.
    briana013 wrote: »
    Yup. 21 days after a huge hurricane.
    Do you believe in having a soulmate?

    Is there anything that you can do as a child that you don't (or shouldn't) as an adult, that you miss - like getting out of trouble easy coz' your age? If so what is it?
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    Not really, my parents were hard *kitten*, I can get away with a lot more now lol...

    Plans to be a hard *kitten* parent, or is one?
  • Essenzook
    Essenzook Posts: 4,052 Member
    There won't be any kids for me... but I continue to cope with having had parents!

    Primary goals for your role as a parent?
  • SojournerThirteen
    SojournerThirteen Posts: 28,204 Member
    Get all our children beyond being self-sufficient and self reliant and wanting to help others in need

    Do you have a crush on one of your coworkers?
  • fjmartini
    fjmartini Posts: 1,149 Member

    If it takes 2 steps to get to the center of a room; how long does it take to get to the other side?
  • 1Wildthang
    1Wildthang Posts: 2,660 Member
    Depends on where you were standing in the room to begin with?
  • 1Wildthang
    1Wildthang Posts: 2,660 Member
    Question: What's the most important quality you live by?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    To have Faith, Love & Compassion

    Same Q
  • SojournerThirteen
    SojournerThirteen Posts: 28,204 Member
    edited August 2017
    Whatever I do to others, I'm doing to myself

    Your greatest hope in life?
  • 1Wildthang
    1Wildthang Posts: 2,660 Member
    That my kids live happier and more full filled libeled than myself. Without repeating any of my regrets or mistakes.

    Same question for next person .......
  • Britnetnotes
    Britnetnotes Posts: 33 Member

    Books or movies?
  • Svanel
    Svanel Posts: 6,255 Member
    Both, a fantastic book can transport your mind. A movie just makes it visual. They're not always the same lol

    Tea or coffee?
  • dobbinstina2
    dobbinstina2 Posts: 23 Member
    books - I love how reading spurs the imagination

    to undress or be undressed?
  • Mike_take2
    Mike_take2 Posts: 2,150 Member
    Be undressed
    Lights on or off
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    Ohhh sooooo keeping the lights on.

    Window shades open or closed?
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    Open on the balcony in fact...

    Let em hear or keep it down