PMS cravings...ladies please help!



  • HarlemNY17
    HarlemNY17 Posts: 135 Member
    MamaMc3 wrote: »
    My hormones are doing crazy things this month, and my appetite is definitely up. I want to eat everything in sight. I ate at maintenance yesterday, but I am trying to push through today. Ugg, this is rough!

    You will be fine and proud of yourself in the end . Just keep that in mind
  • Veganvibesss
    Veganvibesss Posts: 123 Member
    It's that time for me and I plan on buying some low calorie chocolate tomorrow, maybe even will get a light mocha frap from starbucks instead of lunch
  • zjpq
    zjpq Posts: 198 Member
    All the time! I leave cals for a treat, log it, maybe get some more exercise that day, maybe not
  • murphymunstah
    murphymunstah Posts: 4 Member
    Depending on what the craving is for. When it is something like pizza I let myself have it in the smallest way or after a long period of time, say about a month. With other things I find a way to cave without it being over the top. For example whe I really want chocolate I have pudding or Enlightened icecream which comes in triple chocolate or chocolate brownie fudge. I also just really like Mint Chip icecream and halotop mint chip was disappointing so I switched to Enlightened. Game changer. Other things might be like a crunchy or salty kind of need so I'll eat 1-2 servings of white cheddar popcorn.
  • Finkelstien
    Finkelstien Posts: 55 Member
    i give in, in moderation off course. My cravings usually excist of sweet stuff so i make sure i plan in some sweets or go for maintenance for a few days. It's once a month so i'll be fine if i eat a (little) extra.
    but i have also noticed i need fewer sweets now my body is used to eat less Sugar. My cravings have changed.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    I'm always starving at that time (right now). I can usually restrain myself now a days, so when insatiable hunger hits and I find myself knee deep in a pack of Oreos I know it's PMS. I just shrug it off and don't let it get too out of control (ie thousands of extra calories for days). I generally just eat at maintenance if I'm hungry, and don't worry about overall macros for those days. I also get massive hormonal migraines, and upping to maintenance seems to help with that a bit.

    That being said, I do make a conscious effort to drink a ton of water and cook healthier meals in between my junk fests. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables and try to be conscious of protein. I'll have a salad and beans for lunch because I know I'm having cake for dinner hahha. I, too, take magnesium and other supplements to try to help with the joys of lady time.
  • JodehFoster
    JodehFoster Posts: 419 Member
    I try to ignore it & stomp around the house angrily.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    For what it's worth, it's the ONE symptom the pill seems to have helped with. I'm a bit hungrier overall but I don't have those days when I can eat 4500 calories and still be hungry anymore.
  • slimmingsarah_85
    slimmingsarah_85 Posts: 13 Member
    I've always struggled with it. I swear the cravings made me think I was pregnant for like 3 months in a row they were so strong.