Does anyone weight themselves everyday?

Anybody? I just started and have lost weight consistently every day (whether it is a water-pound, or 0.2lb of fat) and thus far it is very encouraging to weight myself every day. I know at some point it'll slow down and I'm in the "honeymoon phase" - but is there any harm in this? Does anyone else do it?


  • Kiss_Her_Act
    I used to,But thats just too pro-anorexic for me..A week is much better.
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    Yep first thing in the morning right after the first trip to restroom. But it is not about the scale. It is about fitness. You may not continue to drop the weight and may begin to gain!! If it is muscle and strength then the scale is only a tool. NSV Non Scale Victory is so important. First race you finish without walking. Or long bike ride. Or new clothes. For me when my 19yr old son asked me to run the Zombie race with him. His first race!! Yes!

    Good luck to ya
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Yep, I weigh every day, unless I forget.
    My scientific mind, likes to see the fluctuations and I don't get upset/depressed/overjoyed at the fluctuations.
    Ie, 2 days ago I weighed 80kg (Had a pizza for dinner that night) and the next day I was up to 81.2kg, this morning after shedding the water weight I am actually down to 79.6kg. I know it's mostly water fluctuations so I don't care too much, but it is nice to see when it's in your favour.
  • valjean5
    valjean5 Posts: 17
    I wouldn't everyday, you'll drive yourself crazy. We love seeing fast results but slow and steady is the way to go. Once a week should do it
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    I do. But it drives me crazy, but I'm like addicted to it. lol My advice, don't.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I do but I focus on the trend downward over time, not the specific daily measurements. I pay more attention to body fat %, measurements and how my clothes fit.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I weigh myself every day. It helps keep me on track and gives me more insight into what's going on inside my body and how my body reacts to things like muscle soreness, hormones, and high sodium levels.
    It's fine to weigh yourself every day as long as you can handle it mentally.
    Just be prepared to see fluctuations. Sometimes you'll lose, sometimes you'll stay the same, and sometimes you'll gain... and it's all perfectly normal. As long as you're okay with that, it's all good.
  • adioschubs
    adioschubs Posts: 384 Member
    I do. It's helps me keep going in the right direction. My mom told me she does as well to stay motivated and she has lost 50 lbs already!
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    I do, but I only enter it here once a week. Everybody's weight fluctuates from day to day so it is just a general figure for me:wink:
  • Kassidi21
    Kassidi21 Posts: 267 Member
    I have a sign by my scale that says "If it's not Wednesday (the day i weigh myself =P ) don't even think about it!!" It's hard to not want to because you get so excited to see the progress and that your hard work is really paying off... but weighing yourself everyday will drive you nuts!
  • ohiowhthse
    ohiowhthse Posts: 38
    I used to, but not anymore. I became too comfortable thinking it was "only 1 lb". Those added and before I knew it I was almost 230 lbs. No more! I do weigh ins on Monday (helps me eat less in wknds). Not only that but even a bowel movement can remove 1-2 lbs.
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    I do, but I only log it here when I lose. I think it's very helpful, but the trick is to not let the minor upward fluctuations get to you, as long as the general trend is down.
  • ABecker755
    I do but it's only because I'm a statistics geek and am TOTALLY ok with the fact that it's naturally going to go up and down over time. I use an Excel spreadsheet and it has a chart set up so each time I add a day and a weight, it adjusts the line which is the "prediction" for my weight drop.

    Now that I'm 30 days in, the line doesn't move all that much, and it's nice to see the dots following their way down the line :) Yes sometimes a little above it and sometimes a little below it.

    If anyone wants the spreadsheet let me know. In my opinion it's great IF you can handle the fact that you're watching the line, not each day's "dot".

    If you are a stats person, for me:
    w=218 - 0.24*x w=weight x=days. :)
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I do ... and with my Fitbit Aria, the data is wirelessly synced to the Fitbit site, and thus to MFP ... I had to turn off the auto weight-loss postings to my newsfeed. I felt silly getting congratulated on a tiny change, or worse, a loss that had already been posted (and was only showing a loss because the scale had then gone up a little).

    I do really like to see the daily changes, I don't get too into them (up or down). My "official" weigh-in day is on Friday, and I do look at that to get my weekly trends. My little MFP ticker changes (sometimes going backward) but overall, it's been a slow but steady forward progression every since I started here a couple months ago ...

    Of course I also weighed myself everyday while I slowly but surely put on the pounds over the years since I lost the weight the first time. It didn't keep me from gaining :(
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    I read somewhere that you should only weigh yourself every day if you can handle the way weight goes up and down, but if it causes to much anxiety you should do it once a week.
  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    I do....but I have been doing this for nearly 7 years. I understand my fluctuations....but certainly in the beginning it did my head in a bit. Aslong as you understand fluctuations are normal and the different things that can cause those fluctuations I dont think there is any harm in it. It actually helps keep me accountable. :)
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    No, today being the day I decided to never weigh myself daily.

    Friday morning is my weekly weigh in day. I weighed myself this morning, I had lost 3LBS (hooray) and then earlier this evening, I weighed myself and I had put 2LBS of that back on! Even though I know it's sodium that will be causing me to retain water, it still has a negative impact on the way I comprehend it, so I'm sticking to weighing myself weekly.
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    i weigh myself twice a day. once when i wake, and once at night. It's nice to see fluctuation.
  • mule2
    mule2 Posts: 2 Member
  • Shweet_heart
    Shweet_heart Posts: 51 Member
    I do, but I only enter it here once a week. Everybody's weight fluctuates from day to day so it is just a general figure for me:wink:

    ^^ This, exactly. I like to see the fluxes and that way I know if I should try to squeeze in one more walk :)