Run Hard & Live Big - Lets Change Lives

First and foremost, thank for you clicking on the link and checking out my post. I hope our paths cross on the road to success :) .

I want you to personally know this, "I want you to succeed. I want your dreams to become plans, plans to become habits, and those habits shape the life that you want to live. I want to help you win at life, whatever that may mean for you."

I want you to know, that I am intrinsically motivated to change my health, impulse snacking and exercise habbits. My intangible priorities are my belief system (religion), financial success, and healthier life style.

I will be successful (I have been that past few months). I want to utilize this app to better track my successes and failures so I can learn from them and grow.

If you think we both can help each other, please send me a request. I would love to be your friend and hear your story. My name is Brad Phillips and I live in Plattsburgh, New York. Best of luck to you all :).