Really need friends!!

Hey everyone!! Just coming back to mfp after way to much time and weight gain! Really need some friends to keep me motivated!! Don't really know how to add people so if you could send me a request and wanna be weight loss partners I really appreciate it!!


  • ccookie1111
    ccookie1111 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Elaine. I am in the same situation. When I can figure out how to add you I will. Ha! Trying to figure mfp out.
  • elainehale766
    elainehale766 Posts: 8 Member
    Ok Christine!! That be great,hope you fiqure it out lol
  • ccookie1111
    ccookie1111 Posts: 9 Member
    Me too! Ha!
  • karla040
    karla040 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi elaine. I'm just like all of you trying to loss weight .I eeds friends to help me out. Add me if you can
  • jackienicolemtz
    jackienicolemtz Posts: 6 Member
    i added you girls, also in the same boat
  • 11iggyz
    11iggyz Posts: 3 Member
    Good Morning ladies! I've been using mfp for a while, but I've really been struggling to lose weight. I've never used the community or boards though, so I'm new to this part. I thought maybe it would help if I connected with a few people. I'll send you friend requests. Have a wonderful successful day!
  • karla040
    karla040 Posts: 8 Member
    You can add me if you like
  • karla040
    karla040 Posts: 8 Member
    Let me tell you ladies my journey that I've had..ok so last year I stated on here to loss weight and that I did..I lost a total of 50 pounds in four months. .I would only eat 1500 calories a day. And go to the gym five days a week. We'll back in June I started hurting rwally bad all over so I thought maybe I need to slow I did and may pain still was I went to my doctor and they ran a blood test on me it came back saying I had r/a .well that stopped everything they put me on medicine for the pain.and I gained all my weight and then some.well as Jan the frist I looked in the mirror and said I'm done being fat I want me life back .so I started back on here and I set my goal for 1550 calories aday. I weight on Jan 1st 216 Monday Jan 23 I weight in at 208. So lookes like I'm taken my life back. Lol. If I can do this all of you can do it .I have faith that God will give us all what we ask to have new friends on my journey add me if you can. Have a bless day and good luck on your journey.
  • A_Healthier_Me2013
    A_Healthier_Me2013 Posts: 227 Member
    I'm in the same boat ladies! Started MFP in 2013 but Keep going back to my old ways. I would love to have good friends to Keep me motivated. Add me