What does PMS mean to you?



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Putting up with

    as taught to me by my first boyfriend's mother. she said "you're a sweet girl and I can tell you can put up with a lot, but right now you are in that half a week a month when all the crap you've been putting up with all month suddenly seems intolerable. It doesn't mean it hasn't been crap all month long. it just means your inability to deal with it is temporarily broken. that's why he truly does not understand why you are mad at him right now because he really is acting the same as he always does. but you just usually smile and accept it. that's why you know you are right that he does this all the time and he should stop because you're right he does do it all the time and he should stop. but both of you can talk about it when the time is right. usually when we are in these days is not the right time. but I challenge you honey to make a note in your diary to come back and talk to him about this and implore him to change his ways in about a week when you are the most convincing young girl I ever met again."
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    "Why is everyone annoying this week? Everyone on FB is being an *kitten* to me. What am I doing with my life? Did I pick the right path? Why am I always single?... Oh look, blood... That's why I'm having a life crisis."