Any fellow weight lifters?!

Regular weight lifter here looking to drop some weight while maintaining muscle mass and strength levels. Anyone with similar goals, feel free to add me!


  • Josh9706
    Josh9706 Posts: 37 Member
    I sent you a request, I'm in the same boat somewhat. Looking to bulk then cut and maintain muscle mass and hopefully most of the strength.
  • jennjune2014
    jennjune2014 Posts: 23 Member
    I bulked over the winter. Im in my cut phase. Working hard to dial in my diet.
  • rhonbarr
    rhonbarr Posts: 2 Member
    Trying to lose the baby weight finally and compete in May as a bikini competitor. 16lbs to cut while adding mass to glutes and shoulders.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    I lift things and wish to lose some fluff.