water weight vs fat

I am new to MFP (1week) and would like to loss 35lb to 40lb. for the past week i have dropped around 2lb. not a huge difference visually, but because i am eating healthier, i feel lighter inside (if that makes seance). I have read a little about the water weight loss. I just would like to know when the fat loss starts taking place. I am eating around 1350 to 1500 cal a day. exercise about 60min doing both cardio and strength training ( right now I am doing Fitness Blender).

Thank you all in advance for any advise.


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    When you're eating at a deficit, fat loss is happening. Its hard to measure by what you see on the scale in a short period of time, because of water weight fluctuation. Compare your weight in weekly and/or monthly intervals, and once you have 8-12 weeks of data: you should see a clear downward trend. And by then, you should also have noticed a difference in how your clothes fit.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    You have lost some fat so rest assured that it wasn't all water. I would expect the larger water weight loss to slow within 2-3 weeks, maybe 4, based on how much you have to lose (bigger people might see it go on longer.)
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    To @StaciMarie1974's point, using a weight trending app like Happy Scale, Libra or trendweight.com to record your weigh-ins might be helpful. The app will then generate a trend line for you based on a moving average. It's a great way to keep you focused on the big picture, rather than normal day-to-day or week-to-week weight fluctuations.

    And since our weight does fluctuate so much, you might also want to start tracking your body measurements. Many measure themselves about once per month.