When is it best to start the Insanity programme?

Sipah Posts: 31 Member
So I am steadily losing weight. Went from 102 to 85 kgs today. I am planning on losing some more weight maybe 5 more kgs and starting the insanity programme.

Basically to build muslce and help with the extra skin and manboobs.

However I have not been involved in any serious exercise or sports activities for most of my life. So anybody got any advice or tips to start it off?


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    The metric I was given was that you need to be able to run a mile and do ten consecutive pushups before even considering starting Insanity. It would probably be a good idea to get a physical and make sure you have a doctor's nod just to be safe (the video recommends the same). When I started, I was running 10k fairly regularly and and was doing well more than 10 regularly, and Insanity has still be a big challenge. The biggest thing to make sure of is that you go at your own pace and maintain good form. STop and take a breather when you need to, particularly if you feel your form start to go. You won't be able to keep up with the people in the video. Accept that now and you'll be better off. They are fitness professionals, and even they need to stop and rest mid-set sometimes. Bad form is the number one cause of injury under insanity, so be mindful of it. Take measurements and progress pictures before you start. Even when you retain fluids due to the intense nature of the program, stalling out weight loss, pictures and a tape measure will show you that you are still burning fat. Not doing that is one of the biggest regrets I hear from people mid-program. Good luck.
  • Sipah
    Sipah Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I can't run a mile consistently I will need to stop. But I can do 10 push ups without a problem. Do around 10 x 4 every other day.

    So basically try it out and take a break whenever need be. No need to over exert myself and tape measure. Thanks.
  • MikeyM1982
    MikeyM1982 Posts: 47 Member
    I started it just over 2 weeks ago. 6ft 1in tall, 110kg trying to get to 80kg. Im 31 yrs old, ex-British Army, and recovering from major knee surgery.

    I havent done any major exercise since I damaged my knee over 12 months ago, and I dived straight in to Insanity with a few of my mates of all shapes and sizes. Some are 45 yrs old, 5ft 7in tall and same weight as me, some guys are massively in to Crossfit and very athletic. All of us get a great workout from it. Oh, and we train it in North Africa in 45 deg C heat.

    There is no reason that you cant start this programme. Yes it is hard, but what do you expect? Go at your own pace, as mentioned earlier, concentrate on form. Take regular water breaks. And most of all have fun. I dont have access to scales or a tape measure where I am located, but I work 8 weeks abroad and have 4 weeks back in UK. Started this programme at the start of these 8 weeks, so will be interesting to get home at the end of the rotation and get the tape and scales out.

    Good luck with it all.

    Dig Deeper!