Newbie here and have 60lbs to loose

Hi everyone I'm new to my fitness pal and still trying to figure out everything . Any advice to help me is highly appreciated thank you.


  • jbirdy76
    jbirdy76 Posts: 161 Member
    Hey welcome, I am back again after a hiatus, my advice to stick with it is take advantage of the logging features. Even when you are not happy with your eating or exercise or weight, log anyway. It helps so much to be mindful of what you are doing with your body and health and logging gives you specific feedback. I always do better when I am logging my food. I quit logging and then my eating goes way off track. Good luck! Build a support system.
  • sassy09
    sassy09 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi there.. I'm back again but for some reason this time it's much easier and I'm enjoying it so much more... have a goal, keep it real, remind yourself that your human and everyday is a new day