Canandian looking for friends! Fibromyalgia and 35lbs to lose.

lifewithkarlie Posts: 3 Member
edited January 2017 in Introduce Yourself
I need friends!
It's been a 4 year journey but I gained 50lbs. Now I need to lose it

Nothing fits anymore and the weight
Ive tried even being a coach myself to stay accountable and I had to stop due to disability.

I have fibromyalgia and chronic depression, the last year up until recent was the worst. Things are on the up and up so I want to add healthier routines into my life again.

I know the drill, the steps, the actions. I know what and how to lose the weight its just bringing myself to do it that's the hard part for me. Especially since I deal with chronic widespread pain it doesn't make it any more inviting. I used to love to lift, fibromyalgia has ripped a lot of my mobility from me lately and my dr has advised me to introduce light exercise, slowly.

So I think I need more friends!
Help inspire me? Where are you from? What are your goals? What apps do you use and are you intending to use this one for long/have been using it for long?


  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I'm in Toronto. Looking to lose another 86 lbs (down 28 from where I started). I've been on MFP for just under 3 months and this is the only app I'm using.

    I've recently been diagnosed with poor lower-body circulation (refluxed veins) and told that managing my weight would go a long way toward managing my condition. Otherwise, the pressure on my legs makes my lymphatic system go wonky and my legs erupt in water blisters which leave weeping wounds that require antibiotics and visits from homecare nurses to change the dressings. Plus, the other treatment for my circulation issues is compression stockings, which cannot be worn with leg wounds (bruises, yes; sores, no), so any flare-up on that end slows down the treatment and... yep. If weight-loss is going to help, it's time.
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    I have fibro, lupus (SLE) and Behcets, among other things. I also still have about 35 to lose until I'm at goal! This app is great if you are honest with your tracking. I lost 45 pounds last year weighing all my food and logging here daily - even on meds that typically hinder weight loss!
  • cece189
    cece189 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ... I was also diaginosed with Lupus about a month ago.. n it's just the weight that's hard to deal with.. it's the whole thing ... I'm Canadian n could really use a support group .. or st least someone that knows what I'm talking about .. Britney.
  • Drea0405
    Drea0405 Posts: 24 Member
    Good Morning!

    I do not have Fibromyalgia but my aunt suffers with it so I thought I would take a look at this thread. I know that I may not be able to relate in a lot of ways but I just wanted to write you all and say that you are inspiring and that I wish you all luck on your journeys. I have seen how Fibromyalgia can cause even day to day tasks to be very difficult, so I know it has to be hard. Again, good luck and I wish you all well.
  • Dreamsofbikini
    Dreamsofbikini Posts: 2 Member
    I am about to turn 32 and I need to lose around 80 pounds. I have had fibro about 10 years and have certainly kept packing on pounds. Feel free to add me of you want a cheering squad!