Eating at maintenance - Beginner working out

arunks91 Posts: 11 Member
edited January 2017 in Goal: Maintaining Weight

I started a strength training program one month ago. Prior to this I haven't really done much weight training. So the thing is, while I started the program I was at 20% body fat and I followed a diet which was at a slight deficit ( a 100-200 cal deficit). I wanted to develop muscle too but I didn't want to put on weight in fat and so I didn't eat in excess. Now in the last month, I've felt myself getting stronger by the day and body fat percentage has dropped by 2% although my overall weight hasn't really changed at all.

It is clear that I have put on a bit of lean muscle mass while losing fat at the same time. In your experience, for how long do such similar noob gains last? And when would I generally have to start eating in excess to build strength?