


  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I'm still scratching my head-what is a beauty therapist and why would someone need one?
  • lmmilbert
    lmmilbert Posts: 15 Member
    I just wanted to state that I was on the pill from age 15-29 and never gained a single pound from it. Managed to maintain my weight of 115 (5' 4") until I got pregnant. After that it was all a struggle!!
  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    Yeah, technically birth control doesn't directly cause weight gain but, if you aren't going to track calories for the rest of your reproductive life, it can skew your 'calories in' so you do gain weight.

    It is not really 'natural' to have to deliberately control your intake. Wild animals don't get morbidly obese due to their lack of food scales, they instinctively know how much to eat. In that way, birth control doesn't directly cause weight gain but it surely predisposes you to it.
  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    lmmilbert wrote: »
    I just wanted to state that I was on the pill from age 15-29 and never gained a single pound from it. Managed to maintain my weight of 115 (5' 4") until I got pregnant. After that it was all a struggle!!

    Everyone is different. I had the exact opposite experience. Losing weight after pregnancy was so easy I ended up 7 lbs lower the first time around (then pretty close to right-on the second time). 6 months on Depo Provera and I gained 15 lbs.
  • geminiswede
    geminiswede Posts: 903 Member
    1. ''You dont have breakfast?? Your metabolism will definetly slow down as you grow up so please start having breakfast''
    I eat breakfast when I'm hungry. I skip it when I'm not.
    2. '' Do not take the birth control pill . It will make you gain weight .''
    I'm almost 30 and have been on the birth control pill since I was about...20? Ish? I was already overweight and basically maintained until binge eating and emotional eating due to some *kitten* family situations made me gain years later. Now I've lost 109 pounds from my highest weight. Are there different side effects of medications for different people that can have an effect on weight? Sure. Can you find a way to manage how it effects you? Probably.
    3. ''You will eventually need a personal trainer when you skip the age of 25''
    Almost five years past that and no.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    My wife and daughter went to a nutritionist to discuss diet. At the time, my daughter was eating no meat (as a matter of conscience) and was considering becoming vegan. The dietician did a good job of saying what that would entail to maintain a balanced vegan diet (it's hard to get it right, IMHO).

    It was good, but I felt like you could get the same advice from a book and from reading the web. Also, I didn't agree with some of the specific recommended foods, like a particular packaged fiber cereal as being "the best," and that sort of thing.

    In the end, my daughter gave up on veganism fairly quicly, because she just didn't like the food (some of it frozen).

    My point is that you need to sift through the advice yourself and decide what works for you.
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    edited January 2017
    active562 wrote: »
    I've just been at a beauty therapist and she kept telling me the most ridicolous things like:
    1. ''You dont have breakfast?? Your metabolism will definetly slow down as you grow up so please start having breakfast''
    2. '' Do not take the birth control pill . It will make you gain weight .''
    3. ''You will eventually need a personal trainer when you skip the age of 25''

    Then , i started telling her its not true and she literally kept telling me that I am naive and that i know nothing about weight loss. Ugh
    What do you guys think? Are they myths or are they actually true?

    1. Breakfast has no impact on your metabolism. It may have an impact on your ability to focus. I suspect you're of student age, so if you have trouble focusing in the mornings, consider breakfast. If not, don't worry about it as long as you're eating reasonable amounts the rest of the day.
    2. For many (but not all) women, birth control increases appetite. Hormonal appetite increase is a beast to fight against. I gained quite a bit of weight when I took the pill, but it was because it made me eat more - not because of any magical properties. If I'd have had a sympathetic doctor who would have let me try different pills, I might have been better able to deal with it. But I didn't, and I don't have to take the pill anymore so it's no longer an issue. So, no, the pill won't make you gain weight - but it may make you have to pay more attention to your food, and you may need to "shop around" for a pill that's a good fit for you.
    3. BS. The only truth in this one is that, when people go from being a student to working a desk job (often around age 25), their activity level tends to go way down and they burn fewer calories. So, if you wind up in a sedentary situation like that, stop being sedentary. Go for walks in the evening/weekends. Go hiking. Ride a bike. Ski. Play a sport. Anything active. Keep your activity level up. You only need a personal trainer if you want one to teach you something new like proper technique for weight lifting.
  • Constant_Nova
    Constant_Nova Posts: 108 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    What is a beauty therapist. Is this one of those "different terms in different countries" things?

    Anyway, she's wrong, of course.

    I thought it was a hair stylist at first.....or someone that does makeovers. Ru Paul is my beauty therapist.

    Seriously though- Please don't pay someone to give you opinions that are listed on every FREE weightloss website or GOOGLE search. Just do you. you might find that a lot of the advice that works for others, are pure myths for you.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Yeah I hate it when people who aren't qualified or who haven't done the work start spewing out nutritional advice. Not only does it undermine those of us who actually spent a great deal of time, effort and money to get our licenses but it can be dangerous. I mean give someone the wrong advice without knowing that person and it could cause a lot of harm, not to mention law suits.

    Get this... the other day on my train ride home there are two teenagers sitting there talking about the gym and exercise, etc. This one kid says, "So if you're eating Burger King or McDonalds or Taco Bell or any other kind of fast food like that just make sure to drink a big coke with it because those places put plastic the food so the acid in the coke will help to break down that plastic to be digested!"

    Whaaaaaat? :neutral:
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Get this... the other day on my train ride home there are two teenagers sitting there talking about the gym and exercise, etc. This one kid says, "So if you're eating Burger King or McDonalds or Taco Bell or any other kind of fast food like that just make sure to drink a big coke with it because those places put plastic the food so the acid in the coke will help to break down that plastic to be digested!"

    Wow, there are just so many things wrong with that....
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    No kidding right? LOL! I swear I had to just put my headphones on or else I was going to say something. I mean that's just bad parenting if your teenager actually believe that, and is advising his friends...
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    active562 wrote: »
    CooCooPuff wrote: »
    I have to take a birth control. There are plenty of people on this board that have lost weight with one.

    Personally , I tried 2 different types of pills and gained weight so I guess that is not actually a myth but still
    It's a myth that everyone will gain weight on them. It's a possibility, but for some it doesn't affect them and others actually loose weight. Some gain, but only because they are eating more from the hormones. (The ones who loose have an opposite reaction to the hormones.)
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Oh, and I once heard a (male) trainer telling his (female) client not to eat salad, because it would make her gain "water weight." :D:D:D
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited January 2017
    It is not really 'natural' to have to deliberately control your intake. Wild animals don't get morbidly obese due to their lack of food scales, they instinctively know how much to eat. In that way, birth control doesn't directly cause weight gain but it surely predisposes you to it.

    Humans aren't "natural" in lots of ways. Throughout human history until quite recently we didn't have to worry about controlling intake because of scarcity + activity or cultural ways of controlling intake (rules about how to eat, times to eat, so on). The idea that in nature, if we had plenty of food and no need to move much, as currently, plus computers and TVs, we wouldn't gain weight seems to me unsupported and unlikely.

    So I doubt it has much to do with the pill.

    (My personal experience is that I was thin (and did not count calories or watch my weight at all) the few years I took the pill and have gained weight -- and lost weight, also -- when not taking the pill.)
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    Yeah, technically birth control doesn't directly cause weight gain but, if you aren't going to track calories for the rest of your reproductive life, it can skew your 'calories in' so you do gain weight.

    It is not really 'natural' to have to deliberately control your intake. Wild animals don't get morbidly obese due to their lack of food scales, they instinctively know how much to eat. In that way, birth control doesn't directly cause weight gain but it surely predisposes you to it.

    Wild animals eat as much as they can when they can because it is hard to get.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Yeah I hate it when people who aren't qualified or who haven't done the work start spewing out nutritional advice. Not only does it undermine those of us who actually spent a great deal of time, effort and money to get our licenses but it can be dangerous. I mean give someone the wrong advice without knowing that person and it could cause a lot of harm, not to mention law suits.

    Get this... the other day on my train ride home there are two teenagers sitting there talking about the gym and exercise, etc. This one kid says, "So if you're eating Burger King or McDonalds or Taco Bell or any other kind of fast food like that just make sure to drink a big coke with it because those places put plastic the food so the acid in the coke will help to break down that plastic to be digested!"

    Whaaaaaat? :neutral:

    Please please please tell me that they were under the influence of something and it was just a nonsensical rant, and they weren't serious....
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    cmtigger wrote: »
    Yeah, technically birth control doesn't directly cause weight gain but, if you aren't going to track calories for the rest of your reproductive life, it can skew your 'calories in' so you do gain weight.

    It is not really 'natural' to have to deliberately control your intake. Wild animals don't get morbidly obese due to their lack of food scales, they instinctively know how much to eat. In that way, birth control doesn't directly cause weight gain but it surely predisposes you to it.
    No no no.

    Historically food was harder to get. People were not "fat" unless they had lots of money to buy food. In the last 150 years food has become much more accessible in developed parts of the world. It's much cheaper, and often the least "healthy" is on the lowest cost end.

    Wild animals don't know when to stop. They don't eat as much because food is more scarce, and they have to work hard to get it. Have you ever seen raccoons who live in an urban setting with easy access to trash cans?

    Those aren't raccoons. They are monsters. I've seen some the size of dogs. No thank you!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited January 2017
    elphie754 wrote: »
    cmtigger wrote: »
    Yeah, technically birth control doesn't directly cause weight gain but, if you aren't going to track calories for the rest of your reproductive life, it can skew your 'calories in' so you do gain weight.

    It is not really 'natural' to have to deliberately control your intake. Wild animals don't get morbidly obese due to their lack of food scales, they instinctively know how much to eat. In that way, birth control doesn't directly cause weight gain but it surely predisposes you to it.
    No no no.

    Historically food was harder to get. People were not "fat" unless they had lots of money to buy food. In the last 150 years food has become much more accessible in developed parts of the world. It's much cheaper, and often the least "healthy" is on the lowest cost end.

    Wild animals don't know when to stop. They don't eat as much because food is more scarce, and they have to work hard to get it. Have you ever seen raccoons who live in an urban setting with easy access to trash cans?

    Those aren't raccoons. They are monsters. I've seen some the size of dogs. No thank you!

    Speaking of fat animals, some people are really into fat squirrels too.3kks2xy5ap9w.jpg